When you get paid, who gets paid?
When you receive money for your services, what do you do with it?
Does much of it get paid out to others for services that you have received?
So when you make those payments, who benefits?
If you did not pay your phone bill, for example, what would happen?
You say they would cut off my service, right?
But what else happens when you make your payment?
The phone company stays in business because customers pay for their service!
The employees of the company continue to work, get paid and subsequently pay their own bills!
The service people maintain the phone service to the customers, get paid and subsequently pay their own bills!
The lights and heat stay on in the buildings, so the gas and power companies get paid and subsequently pay their own bills! .
The providers of equipment to create the phone service get paid and subsequently pay their own bills!........ and on and on.
If you view your bill payments as just a cost to you rather than a benefit to others you will continue to live in a perspective of “Lack”
However if you view the payments that you make as providing a multitude of benefits to numerous others, you begin to see your money from a perspective of “Abundance”
Well being originates in Abundance!
Gratitude originates in Abundance!
Love originates in Abundance!
YOU originate in Abundance!
When you pay your money out, share it with WELL BEING, GRATITUDE AND LOVE!
I like having my phone.............how about you?
Love Papa