Friday, December 31, 2010

What lies beyond today?

Your future is only a dream of what may come.
Your past is a distant memory of times gone by.
Today is the manifestation of all that has gone before and all of the dreams you have dreamed until now!
Today is the beginning and the end.
Today is the culmination of your life.
Today is forever!
What lies beyond today?........who knows!
Enjoy Now! Enjoy Forever! Enjoy Eternity!
Enjoy YOU!
Love Papa.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pie in the Sky!

You’re a Dreamer!
That idea is a waste of time!
Get your feet back on the ground!
You are out of touch with Reality!
What were you thinking??
Where is your head at?
Get Real!
What kind of “Pie In the Sky” idea will you come up with next?
Ever hear any of this before?
Well....munch! munch! too.....munch! munch!.......mmmmmmmmmmmmm.........I love Pie!!!...munch! munch!......want some?
Love Papa.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Feed Your Hunger!

Feed Your Hunger for Knowledge!
Feed Your Hunger for Patience!
Feed Your Hunger for Love!
Feed Your Hunger for Compassion!
Feed Your Hunger for Joy!
Feed Your Hunger for Peace!
Feed Your Hunger for YOU!
Love Papa.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Listen to Yourself!

Do you actually listen to yourself?
Not your voice, or the one in your head, but really listen to yourself!
Ever have the experience of ignoring your “gut feeling” and then regretting it later?
We all have felt the pain of not following through on our intuitions.
Why do we not listen?
Are we afraid of our power, do we not trust ourselves or are we just not listening?
Our mind is designed to have us avoid our higher power!
That which truly guides us, is not our thoughts, but rather our feelings!
When we feel our way through life it flows smoothly and easily, but when we think our way we are often challenged with obstacles.
Such arrogance this mind of mine displays!
Who put my mind in charge of ME!......Oh right, I did!
I can’t ignore my mind, but I don’t have to believe it all the time!
There! let’s see how that feels!
Love Papa.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Slow Down

Slow down.
Enjoy the ride.
Listen to the sounds.
Smell the aromas.
Feel the breeze on your skin.
See the colours.
Taste the flavours.
Live every day as if you were on a tropical vacation!
Slow down...........You may only pass this way once.
Love Papa.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Laughter and Other Remedies!

Laugh often, Laugh hard & Laugh loud!
Wiggle your toes in the sand!
Blow bubbles in the water!
Play hide and seek with your friends!
Scratch when you have an itch!
Listen to Nature!
Play Peek a Boo with babies!
Fart when you need to!
Read a good book!
Seek quiet!
Take deep breaths!
Touch someone you love!
Listen to music that you can Feel!
Stare at the stars at night and imagine??
Enjoy the changing seasons!
Ponder, just ponder................ What Is!
And most of all don’t take yourself too seriously; after all.........You’re only Human!
Love Papa.

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Saturday, December 25, 2010


We may possess many things in our lives, and desire many more.
One of our greatest possessions is Gratitude.
Be grateful for all that is yours.
Be grateful for all that exists.
You are an integral part of the vastness of the Universe.
Gratitude is the link to your awareness of your connection to all that it contains!
It is very grateful for You!
Return the Honour!
Love Papa.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Musical Chairs Anyone?

Dance around the circle of chairs, when the music stops will there be a chair for you?
For many people the game of life has taken on this same concern and the music seems to be getting faster and faster!
Worried that they might not get a chair, some will attempt to hang on to as many material objects as possible while they continue to run frantically around the circle.
Each time they see another chair removed and another player eliminated they feel the combination of fear and excitement rising within them.
The game becomes one of how many things can I carry with me and still remain in the game!
Racing toward the inevitable end where only one remains.........The Winner!, The Grand Champion! The Survivor! could just relax and enjoy the music!
Love Papa.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Make Believe!

Life is a grand illusion!
You can “Make Believe” that you can be, do or have anything you desire!
Make Believe you are worthy!
Make Believe you are happy!
Make Believe you are healthy!
Make Believe you are wealthy!
By all measurement you are all of these things and more, you need only make yourself believe them.
Look to those who have much less than you and see the bounty that is yours!
Then look to those who might have much more than you and see your potential!
Greatness dwells within your heart..............Make Believe it is yours right now!
Love Papa.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It requires bravery to face a demon.
It requires bravery to overcome pain.
It requires bravery gain your freedom.
It can also require bravery to get up in the morning, go to work, pay the bills, feed yourself and others, face the day with a smile and to feel good about yourself!
Bravery does not just come from big accomplishments it can also so come from just picking yourself up off the floor some days and carrying on.
We often think that we are weak but fail to recognize the strength that we must exert to face our daily challenges.
Sure, others may conquer huge obstacles, but each of us must face our challenges in our own way.
When you see someone obviously struggling remember the amount of bravery it has taken for them even begin their day.
And when you look in the mirror today applaud the bravery of the person you see!
Love Papa.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010


For what do you require Justice!
For whom do you require Justice!
Why do you require Justice!
Is Justice your entitlement?
Who deemed the rules Just or the actions Unjust?
Who should uphold Justice?
Can Justice create Freedom??
Justice is the enforcement of a belief which can only exist if its equal and opposite is also true!
Does Justice deny allowance?
Why Justice? Why You? Why Now?
What are you demanding Justice for in your life?
Who are the original members of the Justice League of America?..............Oooops! Sorry had to slip that one in!
Love Papa.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Relax, you are already there.

Relax, you are already there.
We often feel that we must be somewhere other than where we are right now.
The feeling of not having “made it” is strong in many people.
We sense an urgency to change into something different or new.
We are bombarded with images and sounds encouraging us to try something else in our never ending quest to find ourselves.
When we take a moment and close our eyes and breathe deeply, we can feel a great sense of relief from this pressure.
When you close out the world and listen to your inner self your true knowing comes forth and you know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, Always!
Relax, you are already there.

Love Papa.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just Be!

Awareness of I!
Feelings of Me!
Allowance of You!
Agree to “Just Be”!
Love Papa.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

So who are you really?

Are you the voices in your head?
Are you the awareness of the voices?
Are you the awareness of the awareness of the voices?

You are part of something much greater than you.
Yet you are here with this physical body and this mental awareness of YOU!
So who are you really?
Somehow peaceful and disturbing at the same time.

“I am aware of the awareness of me!”

But wait a minute.....................then who is the cat!!!!!
Love Papa.

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Friday, December 17, 2010


Did you hear that?
No?.........perhaps that’s because you are still talking!!!!
Love Papa

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Feel It!

I want to feel the excitement of a dog going for a walk!
I want to feel the contentment the of a cat being petted on your lap!
I want to feel the joy of a bird singing from a perch!
And I want to feel the happiness of a baby’s laugh!
Thanks, that will do for today.
Love Papa.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Fleeting thoughts of other worlds drifting through your mind,
Offering up glimpses of possible other times.
Whether beauty lives in paradise,
Or flaming dragons fly.......
There will always be a place to dwell in the dreamer's eye.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Well Being.

You can allow Well Being or you can deny it.
Either way it is always there.
Well Being is your right.
You are always entitled to it.
When you allow Well Being to flow through you, you feel good.
When you deny Well Being you feel fear, anger, frustration, disease, pain, suffering.............etc!
Seems like an easy choice!
Love Papa.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Be at Peace!

Be at Peace with all things in your life!
Be at Peace with yourself!
Be at Peace with your Source!
Be at Peace, Be at Peace, Be at Peace!
Love Papa.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010


I see it.
Do you see it?
She can see it.
He can’t see it.
They all see it.
No one can see it.
We can all see it.
What is it?
Now I see it!
Love Papa

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

No Judgment!

There can be no judgment beyond you.
You cannot be judged, nor can you make judgment.
There is only responsibility!
For what you can conceive, you condone.
Because we are all of one energy, responsibility is universal.
We become what we think about.
Therefore our focus, upon what we choose to judge as wrong, intensifies the act!
Replace Judgment with Love and watch your world blossom with beauty and peace.
Love Papa

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Friday, December 10, 2010


Juggling.............the art of making chaos appear under control!
How many  balls can you keep going at once? let’s light them on fire!!!...........and we’ll toss in a couple of chain saws and a hand grenade!!
I know you can handle it.
I have seen you do it before.
Wow, you are truly amazing!.....can you do that while riding on a unicycle???
Love Papa

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Threshold of Destiny!

In this moment you stand at the Threshold of Destiny!
You possess the power to change the world!
You are a direct source of creation!
Your mere presence alters this planet!
Step forth with Confidence, Purpose and Love.
Eternity is Ready for YOU!
Love Papa

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Tell the Truth.......says your Mother!
I want the Truth............says your Lover!
Do you swear to tell the whole Truth........says the Judge!
What is the Truth..........Really?
Truth originates in your Beliefs.
Your Beliefs are only thoughts that you keep thinking!
So what is Truth?
Every single thought and action that you have taken in your life has brought you to this point.......right NOW!
YOU are the Truth and nothing but the help you God!
Love Papa.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Passing Notes.

Do you remember passing notes to each other in school?
Although it was frowned upon when you were a child, it was always exciting (and maybe a little dangerous) to send and receive a note.
Passing along a personal note, to its intended recipient, through several other classmates required skill & timing.
One little slip up and the note could be lost to the teacher and your message could go horribly wrong!!
Choosing your words carefully, filled with hidden suggestions and other innuendo was required.
But the thrill of receiving such a message was always worth the effort and the risk.
You felt special and privileged to be the recipient and you felt empowered to be the sender!
Well today’s medium for passing notes has become much easier with email, text, face time, video blogging, Facebook and who knows what is next.
But the excitement of sending and receiving a note remains the same.
We empower ourselves and others when we communicate our thoughts!
Write a note to someone special in your life today!
You have just received mine!!!
Love Papa

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Rubik's Cube

When all of this “Life Stuff” was being decided.......
You know, before I was put on this Earth.......
Why did I choose these experiences for me?
Why do I have to go through all of this maze to get what I want?
Why can’t I go straight to the dessert tray and forget about the main course?
Who says that I have to struggle and toil and grind my way through life?
Sometimes it feels like a giant “Rubik”s Cube”......every time I move one thing, something else goes out of alignment!!
I want to be Happy NOW!.....................

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

I could just choose Happiness, couldn’t I.............could YOU?
Let’s two turns to the left, rotate green one comes around and “Voila”...........HAPPINESS!!
Love Papa

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

What do you want?

What do you want?
No really, WHAT DO YOU WANT!!?
When I ask you, I don’t want you to tell me........
I want you to focus on what you REALLY want for yourself!
What makes you feel alive? What touches your soul? What taps into your source connection?
Focus on what FEELS right, not just what sounds right to someone else.
I don’t want to hear stories that you think I should hear, I want to SEE what makes your heart sing!
I want to FEEL your connection to source!.......I want to BREATHE your energy!...........I want you to BE what you want!
Dig into yourself............. WHAT DO YOU WANT?
You deserve it................and so do I!
Love Papa

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dark Side of the Moon!

Good follows Bad,
Prosperity follows Poverty,
Happiness follows Sorrow,
Peace follows War!
For every moment you spend on the Dark Side of the Moon remember that the light will return and you will bask in the glory of Love!
Love Papa

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Well Being is the Order of the Day!

Every cell in your body has the intention of Well Being!
You are naturally tuned toward what is in your best interest!
Each action you take has the intention of Well Being!
It may appear that some intentions have something other than Well Being at their source, however the essence of all that we do remains directed toward our own Well Being!
Therefore it is for us to realize that EVERYTHING that happens to us is supposed to occur!
We are supposed to be like this!!
Our denial of this fact creates the many things in our lives that we see as negative; disease, fear, anger, resentment, poverty, war, etc.
Remember what you focus on expands.......
Turn your thoughts toward your Well Being and align yourself with your source and watch your world expand!
Love Papa.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Be Happy With Today!

Is this the life you dreamed about?
Obviously it was or you would not be living it right now!
So find as many ways as you can to Be Happy With Today!
Because it is all you have to work with.
And remember.................Tomorrow is another Day, another Dream, another YOU!!!
Love Papa

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Can I Serve You?

View yourself as one of service rather than need.
Because we are all unique physical beings we each have things that we need and things that we can offer others.
When we approach each other requiring our need to be fulfilled first, we instantly place ourselves at a disadvantage.
Likewise when we offer advice or our opinion to others when we are not invited we also place ourselves at a disadvantage.
When we come from a true place of service, offering to serve others first, we allow the natural forces of the universe to occur and magic happens!
Not only does the one we are serving move closer to their goals, but we receive instant gratification and recognition for the service we provided.
It really is very simple................. How Can I Serve You?
Love Papa

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Share what you know!

Share what you know!
It is easy you already know it.
You already possess important knowledge that others want to hear.
You have had experiences that only you know about that the world should hear about.
Because you control what occurs in your universe, your knowledge and experience are unique to you and are vital to share!
Write it down, tell other people, teach what you know!
You are a born teacher and the information that you share can change the lives of those who receive it!
You don’t need to wait until you are old enough, smart enough, respected enough or until someone asks, You can share it right now!
Write a book! Become a speaker! Blog to the world...........tell a friend.
Share what you know!

Love Papa

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Monday, November 29, 2010


When you look at yourself in a mirror, you see a reflection of yourself, Right?
And when you catch a glimpse of yourself in a window as you pass by?
How about when you see yourself gazing into a body of calm water?
All reflections of YOU!
But did you think that watching a beautiful sunset, or staring at snow capped mountain peaks or maybe petting your favourite animal, were also reflections of you.
Indeed everything that you see or do or have in your life is a direct reflection of you!
Therefore it is really easy to see what others see in you........all you need do is pay attention to how you feel about the things that you encounter every day.
When you see the beauty in what surrounds are seeing a true reflection of who you really are!
And when you see things around you that do not please you?...... Yup! ........Also a reflection!  
It is going to be a beautiful day!
Love Papa.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010


If I passed you the Past you might think you were coming last.
And if I forwarded you the Future you might not understand.
But if I present you with the Present you’ll always realize.
That this moment is forever when you see it through my eyes!

I Present to you a Present that you can utilize in the Present tense!
It is my Love.
Love Papa

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Saturday, November 27, 2010


What if the Slender, Sexy, Rich, Healthy, Enthusiastic person inside know, the one of your dreams!
Were to meet, right now, in the present with the..... Tired, overweight, broke, boring, struggling person that you have been living.
In other words what would the conversation be like if the future YOU met the past YOU in the PRESENT?
What would they say to each other? Who would take control of the conversation? What would result from the discussion?
Hmmmmm.............stay tuned cause were gonna find out!!!

Love Papa

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Friday, November 26, 2010


Sit Down,
Be Quiet,
Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath,
Let it all out,
Now do it again,
And again, and again, and again.....
What you think I just make this stuff up?????
Love Papa

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Who Gets Paid?

When you get paid, who gets paid?
When you receive money for your services, what do you do with it?
Does much of it get paid out to others for services that you have received?
So when you make those payments, who benefits?
If you did not pay your phone bill, for example, what would happen?
You say they would cut off my service, right?
But what else happens when you make your payment?
The phone company stays in business because customers pay for their service!
The employees of the company continue to work, get paid and subsequently pay their own bills!
The service people maintain the phone service to the customers, get paid and subsequently pay their own bills!
The lights and heat stay on in the buildings, so the gas and power companies get paid and subsequently pay their own bills! .
The providers of equipment to create the phone service get paid and subsequently pay their own bills!........ and on and on.
If you view your bill payments as just a cost to you rather than a benefit to others you will continue to live in a perspective of “Lack”
However if you view the payments that you make as providing a multitude of benefits to numerous others, you begin to see your money from a perspective of “Abundance”
Well being originates in Abundance!
Gratitude originates in Abundance!
Love originates in Abundance!
YOU originate in Abundance!
When you pay your money out, share it with WELL BEING, GRATITUDE AND LOVE!
I like having my about you?
Love Papa

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunshine, Lollipops and Roses!

Is your life perfect?
Of course not!...or is it?
Does everything in your life happen just the way that you want?
Of course not!...or does it?
Is what you are getting in your life what you are actually asking for?
Of course not...or is it?
Most of us laugh when we think of our lives as being nothing but Sunshine, Lollipops and Roses.
But....... when was the last time that you actually ASKED for Sunshine, Lollipops and Roses??
Perhaps you should.......
Love Papa

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Don't Let Boredom Win?

Does boredom win out over excitement in your life?
Do you “Settle” for the results you get or do you “Create” your life with style?
Your choices create your results!
If you want better results, make better choices.
When faced with a choice...ask yourself “which decision is more exciting?”
Choose fireworks over darkness, choose loud over quiet, choose colourful over bland!
Choose extra creamy, double chocolate with caramel gooey bits over vanilla!
Beware of boredom...........don’t give up without a fight.
Choose excitement and let’s get this party started!!!
Don't Let Boredom Win?

Love Papa

Monday, November 22, 2010

Grow Up!

When I grow up I want to be _______?
When you grow up you should be___________?
Why don’t you grow up??
Please don’t grow up too fast!
I can’t wait until I am grown up so that I can ______?
Now that I am grown up....
I will never grow up!
Some people never grow up.
But believe me........before you know it they are all grown up!!
Love Papa

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"What did you say??"

I heard you say said I was fat!
Then you said I was ugly........then stupid, then not good enough, then you said I was a bad person!
Now you are saying that I am broke and that I don’t work hard enough!!
Whose voice are you anyway???........... and why are you IN MY HEAD?
Well two can play this game...........I am going to replace you with another voice!
And this one says I am Beautiful, Smart, Worthy, Generous, Wealthy and Perfect in every way!
I can still hear you sometimes but my new voice is louder and I am only going to listen to it.
Good bye!!!

Love Papa

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Find a comfortable spot.
Lay back and close your eyes.
Now relax!
No, I mean really RELAX!
Relax every muscle in your body!
Relax your bones!
Relax your mind!
Relax every cell in your body!
Relax the very fibre of your being!
Relax everything about you!
You deserve to Relax!
Love Papa

Friday, November 19, 2010

Patience my Ass!

Patience is a virtue!..... Blah! Blah! Blah!
Be patient...... Blah! Blah! Blah!
Have some patience!...... Blah! Blah! Blah!

Well I say...... “Patience My Ass!”......let’s make it happen.....NOW!!!!

OOOOPS!......OUCH!......ARRRRGHH! ........well maybe not right NOW!

Perhaps I should slow down!......and well.......maybe....... have a!!!
Love Papa.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Absence of Resistance!

Resistance comes from within you.
It is the entire cause of what does not feel right in your life.
What you resist grows in your life.
In the Absence of Resistance there is Allowance.
Allowance is the entire cause of what does feel good in your life.
Release your resistance to increase your allowance.
Hmmmm........sounds simple!!
Love Papa

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hold it close!

What is important to you?
Is it your mind, your physical body, your spirit?
Is it your material objects, your house, your car, your cellular phone!!?
Is it your identity, your job, your title, your name?
Is it others around you, your family, your friends, your lover?
All these and more can be important to you.
Close your eyes and envision each item.
Picture yourself enveloping it within your heart!
Draw it completely inside your heart, hold it close and feel the rhythm.
Now what is important?
Love Papa.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Peace, Joy & Contentment

Holding a sleeping baby in my arms................Peace.
Watching a puppy play..........Joy.
Relaxing in the sun on a beautiful day.............Contentment.
What are the moments that create these feelings for you?
Love Papa.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Add Love to your Asking.

If you are not sure if you are asking for what you do want or for what you do not want, just add Love to your asking.
In other words if you are asking for good health and the words you say or think sound like: “I don’t want to catch that cold!” you are actually attracting the cold to you by focusing on it.
However if you say or think: “ I want to have a healthy body” you are focusing on what you really want.
A simple test is to add Love to either statement and it becomes very clear.
“ I Love not to catch that cold!” sounds very different than “I Love to have a healthy body”
“ I Love not to be broke!” vs “I Love to have plenty of money!”
“ I Love to have no more War!” vs “ I Love Peace!”
“ I Love not to be lonely!” vs “I Love having wonderful relationships in my life!”
Adding Love to your Asking directs your focus on what you really want and draws it toward you instantly.
“I Love having you in my life!”
Love Papa

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Face Forward.......toward your dreams.
Step Forward.......into your day.
Walk Forward......and don’t look back.
Leap your destiny.
Love Papa.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Breath of Fresh Air!

We are what we breathe!
With each breath you take you connect yourself to all that is.
The air that we breathe and the action of breathing connect us to spirit with each breath.
Therefore we can literally reinvent ourselves into whatever we want by the mere function of breathing!
As you consciously focus your attention on your breathing, all other awareness disappears.
You naturally align with your spiritual source and you relax.
By allowing yourself to align with spirit your clarity increases!
With increased clarity and alignment your problems disappear!!
Now isn’t that............ A Breath of Fresh Air!
Love Papa

Friday, November 12, 2010


You are the captain of your ship, And you are the ship!!
You are the director of the play, And you are all the characters!
You are the baker of your cake, And you are all the ingredients!
The thoughts you think cause the actions you take which result in the outcome you receive.
Sail On!
Love Papa

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Count each Blessing in your life today and feel the gratitude rise within you.
Pause from time to time and allow your Blessings to come forth.
Each thing in your life whether material or not is a Blessing for you to give thanks for.
All too often we forget to give thanks for all the Blessings we have received.
Take time and breathe in all the wonderful Blessings that are in your life.
Life is supposed to be good for you...............and it is.
Love Papa

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


For everything to exist there must also be its equal and opposite.
Up / Down, Left / Right, Hot / Cold.
In other words all things in your life have a polar opposite, otherwise they could not exist.
In fact you could not conceive of something without having its exact opposite existing as well.
Therefore what you truly want in your life is totally available to you, especially if you are now living the opposite of what you really want.
The more visibly obvious the lack of something in your life is, becomes your confirmation that the opposite abundance!
And the more passionately you complain about what is not in your life, or about what is in your life that you do not want, is your indicator of how powerful you are at attracting what you ask for.
Those who are describing with great passion what they do not want in their lives actually have the most ability to create what they do want!
If you are so powerful as to attract what you do not want into your life then you are at least that powerful in attracting what you do want into your life!
When you feel strongly about what you do not want........pause and ask yourself “What do I really want?”
You will find the answer at the polar opposite of what you now have.......................

Love Papa

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Break Free!

Just as the dawn breaks free from the darkness each morning, so are the opportunities for you to reawaken and bring forth change in your life that proves to yourself that you are connected to all that is!
Each morning brings a new day and with it the possibilities of greatness.
Focus on the great things in your life and ............Break Free!
You possess the power to alter life on this planet within you right now........... Break Free!
Break Free of the bonds you have tied yourself up with!
Break Free of the beliefs, that you have created, which hold you back!
Break Free of the burdens that you carry for others!
Your life belongs to you! Break Free and bask in the glory of YOU!
Love Papa

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wrap your words in Love!

When you greet the day, wrap your words in Love.
When you speak on the phone, wrap your words in Love.
When you type your first text, wrap your words in Love.
When you encounter a friend, wrap your words in Love.
When you speak of another, wrap your words in Love.
When you acknowledge your maker, wrap your words in Love.
When you talk to anyone, wrap your words in Love.
And especially when you look in the mirror.........wrap your words in Love.
Love Papa

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Failing all that.

You can fight,
You can struggle,
You can argue,
You can disagree,
You can diet, gorge, drink or smoke yourself,
You can search, you can dig, you can climb or you can fly,
You can run, you can hide, you can disguise or you can broadcast yourself,
You can pray, you can preach, you can prophesize or you can plagiarize,
Failing all that...............
You can align yourself with your internal  source of being, release yourself from all resistance, accept that well being is truly yours and RELAX!!
You are already perfect, just as you are!
Love Papa

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sum of the Whole!

You are not the sum of the pieces of your life,
You are the sum of the whole of the universe!
Love Papa

Friday, November 5, 2010


Our lives are criss-crossed with intersections.
We cross paths constantly with other people places and events that shape who we are.
Each intersection provides us with new opportunities to grow and change.
And each one provides us with more context with which to view our lives.
Are you racing through intersections?
Are you waiting for the light to change?
Are you afraid to enter an intersection?
Did you stall in the middle of an intersection?
Are you cutting anyone else off in the intersection?
Are you trying to back out of an intersection your are in?
Are you careening off others as you pass through intersections?
Are you being courteous to others in the intersection?
Do you think you might have made a wrong turn at one (or more) of your intersections?
As you pass through the intersections in your life be aware of the direction your journey takes but also keep your focus on the destination that you have chosen.
Remember that you cannot back up through all the intersections that you have passed through, you can only move forward from right here! right now!
Will the next intersection change your life...............Absolutely! Enjoy every moment of it.
Beep! Beep! the way you left your signal indicator on!
Love Papa