Saturday, August 10, 2013


Love, Papa.

How often do you look upon the one standing before you and wonder, how did this occur?
What is the plan of my source?
Why this, why now, why me, why them?
Perhaps the mystery of why is obvious.
And what appears unlikely is actually perfect.
Listen to the words that escape your mouth.
For the secret lies not within the other.
When you are the unlikely presence!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Friday, August 9, 2013

Get Over Yourself

Get Over Yourself
Love, Papa.

You are not your job!
Nor your title!
Or your accreditation!
You are just YOU!
Every bit as lost (or found) as the next person.
So get over yourself,
It you were really such a big deal
You’d stop searching
And already be dead!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Love, Papa.

When you see me as a reflection of you
And your separation turns to unity
“We” becomes “me” and “they” disappear!
For there is but one of us.
And a stone cast upon another
Lands squarely at your own feet!
Remove persecution from your presence
And  glory shall rain down upon you!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Last Time

Last Time

Did it bring a smile?
A happy laugh?
How about a loud cheer?
Maybe with a fist pump?
Perhaps a sigh of relief?
Or a silent prayer?
A gentle hug?
Or a single tear!
When was the last time you felt truly great?
Focus on that feeling!
And choose it now!

Love, Papa.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Love, Papa.

Life assures us many things,
But none are guaranteed,
To make you happy constantly
Or to bring relief from pain.
Words can comfort,
Music soothes,
Beauty captures us, but for a moment.
We smile, we laugh, we wince and cry,
But in the end,
There is only one perfect guarantee:
That change is constant!
And choice always abounds.
For what you choose today
Creates every tomorrow anew.
And how you react
Guarantees your outcome!
Choose wisely!

Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hold the Space!

Hold the Space!
Love Papa.

Sometimes all you can do for another is to hold the space that they occupy while they go through whatever they have to go through.
Allowing them to fully experience, without interference, what is happening to them is a sign of great love and respect.
Being in the presence of someone whose life is undergoing great change is a blessed event.
Holding the Space for them to transcend is also blessed and is a great honour.
Hold the Space for another and you open the door to the divine.
For both of You!
Re-post #342

Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Who Knows?

Who Knows?
Love, Papa.

Who knows what will arrive today
And become that which you are most grateful for tomorrow.
Accept with gratitude
The experience of this moment
And know that it sets the tone
For what will follow.
Just as you choose, so are you chosen.
There are no mishaps in the Universe
Only moments you can be grateful for.
Say a silent word of thanks
For what comes your way
Knowing that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa