Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top 5!

The 5 people you associate with the most are a direct reflection of who you are!
Take a look around....
Consider why you associate with them?
Are they family?
Are they friends?
Are they work associates?
They are your mirror!
They reflect exactly how the world views YOU as!
If you like what you see that is wonderful!
If you don't like what you see that is also wonderful!
Because now you know!
Love Papa.

Top 5!

The 5 people you associate with the most are a direct reflection of who you are!
Take a look around.....
Consider why you associate with them?
Are they family?
Are they friends?
Are they work associates?
They are your mirror!
They reflect exactly how the world views YOU as!
If you like what you see that is wonderful!
If you don’t like what you see that is also wonderful!
Because now you know!
Love Papa. 

Top 5!

The 5 people you associate with the most are a direct reflection of who you are!
Take a look around.....
Consider why you associate with them?
Are they family?
Are they friends?
Are they work associates?
They are your mirror!
They reflect exactly how the world views YOU as!
If you like what you see that is wonderful!
If you don’t like what you see that is also wonderful!
Because now you know!
Love Papa. 

Top 5!

The 5 people you associate with the most are a direct reflection of who you are!
Take a look around.....
Consider why you associate with them?
Are they family?
Are they friends?
Are they work associates?
They are your mirror!
They reflect exactly how the world views YOU as!
If you like what you see that is wonderful!
If you don’t like what you see that is also wonderful!
Because now you know!
Love Papa. 

Top 5!

The 5 people you associate with the most are a direct reflection of who you are!
Take a look around.....
Consider why you associate with them?
Are they family?
Are they friends?
Are they work associates?
They are your mirror!
They reflect exactly how the world views YOU as!
If you like what you see that is wonderful!
If you don’t like what you see that is also wonderful!
Because now you know!
Love Papa. 

Top 5!

The 5 people you associate with the most are a direct reflection of who you are!
Take a look around..... 
Consider why you associate with them?
Are they family?
Are they friends?
Are they work associates?
They are your mirror!
They reflect exactly how the world views YOU as!
If you like what you see that is wonderful!
If you don’t like what you see that is also wonderful!
Because now you know!
Love Papa. 

Friday, May 27, 2011


Take a deep breath in!
Now Hold it..............hold it.............a little longer!
Ok exhale.........blow it out.............all the way!
And again, Inhale.................
Do this at least 3 times!
Now say out loud all the things you are grateful for in your life!
Really think about them, be passionate!
Three more deep breaths.............and “Voila!”
You have completely realigned the Universe, set your life on a path for success and solved all your worldly problems!
Don't you just love magic?
Now you can begin your day!
Love Papa. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Don’t Rush In!

Don’t rush in!
Stand back for a moment!
Assess the situation!
Determine how you FEEL before you jump!
Use all your senses!
Hear the voices both inside and outside your head!
But listen to your heart!
You ALWAYS know what is right!
But we often move to quickly!
Be patient!
Don’t rush in!
Love Papa. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Don’t walk ahead!
Don’t walk behind!
And don’t walk away!
Walk into the light and let the darkness fade!
You are the light that brightens the room.
Walk forth with pride.
Walk in the presence of YOU!
Walk into your destiny!
Love Papa.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Take time to snuggle!
Snuggle with a soft kitty.
Snuggle with sleepy dog.
Snuggle with a favourite book.
Snuggle with someone really special.
Snuggle with yourself!
Taking time to snuggle relaxes your body, lowers your heart rate, brings peace and tranquility.
And besides its fun!
Happy snuggles!
Love Papa.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Never Look Back!

Your past is only the wake remaining from the twists and turns your life has taken you through.
It is not who you are!
When you use your past experience as a template for the present, you can tie yourself to a revolving circle of similar outcomes.
In other words, believing that your past is who you are can paralyze your present and hold you in one place.
You become a reflection of your past when you refuse to look at your life in the present moment.
You are here right now!
Your past is long gone.
The need to repeat the past is only a belief and a belief is just a thought you keep thinking!
Create new thoughts, break new ground, focus on the present moment and be happy where you are!
Never Look Back! 
Love Papa.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fix a broken world?

Are you trying to mend something or someone?
Make repairs to society, government, humanity?
Fix a broken world? 
The world is not broken, damaged or in need of repair!
It is evolving just the way it is supposed to.
What you see as damaged or broken may be a great passion to you,
but your benefit can only be realized once you are in complete alignment with your source.
As more and more come into alignment with source the perceived problems of the world disappear and repairs are no longer required.
Your power lies in your ability to repair yourself and come into that place of well being within YOU.
You are amazing beyond all possibilities!

Love Papa