Saturday, December 29, 2012


Love Papa.

Nothing is attacking you!
The world is not out to get you!
In fact the world is neutral or static!
It is you who are moving through time and space, as you know it!
What you encounter must react to YOU!
In and of itself the world remains static!
This does not mean that it is not dynamic.
Rather the influence of the physical plane is not reacting to you, unless you react to it!
Therefore what you think, becomes your experience!
You are drawn to those things that your mind can imagine.
Follow where your mind leads...
Therein lies the dream!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa Book available at:

Friday, December 28, 2012

Be Something!

Be Something!
Love Papa.

Choose to Be Something!
Often we allow our lives to happen by default rather than choice, by mishap instead of decision.
How many times have you found yourself in a situation that was not by choice but by a lack of choice?
Did you actually choose to be unhappy, unhealthy, broke or angry?
Probably not directly, but by not making a choice you allowed yourself into those places.
By choosing to Be Something you are not necessarily going to be right every time, but merely making the decision moves you in a direction of your own choice.
Being Something propels you to the next decision.
Being Something creates the expression of who you are.
I don’t mean be your job title or your education level, or some position you hold.........
I mean Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Wealthy!
Be Authentic, Be Real, Be YOU!
Be Something!
Re-post #120
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa Book available at:

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Love Papa.

Participation in life is not an option!
It is the objective!
You did not merely show up on this plane expecting to be entertained.
YOU are the entertainment!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa Book available at:

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Well Being!

Well Being!
Love Papa.

Like a cloud settling into a valley.
You are enveloped in love.
Sometimes it feels difficult to navigate
And hard to see your path.
But you are always within the well being of source.
Your journey is long and meandering
With many pitfalls and challenges
Still, you are within the well being of source.
Occasionally the sun shines through and your path is clear
Until another cloud passes over.
Always you remain within the well being of source.
Seeking, searching, beseeching and asking!
Until the day arrives when you realize:
YOU are that source of well being.
And what lies within is realized without!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa Book available at:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Center of Calm

Center of Calm
Love Papa.

Seek that place that holds your center of calm.
Take time to go there frequently.
Find the peace therein contained.
Retreat completely into that peace.
Envelope yourself totally.
When you leave take it with you.
Share with everyone you encounter.
Love Papa

Notes From Papa Book available at: