Saturday, December 11, 2010

No Judgment!

There can be no judgment beyond you.
You cannot be judged, nor can you make judgment.
There is only responsibility!
For what you can conceive, you condone.
Because we are all of one energy, responsibility is universal.
We become what we think about.
Therefore our focus, upon what we choose to judge as wrong, intensifies the act!
Replace Judgment with Love and watch your world blossom with beauty and peace.
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Juggling.............the art of making chaos appear under control!
How many  balls can you keep going at once? let’s light them on fire!!!...........and we’ll toss in a couple of chain saws and a hand grenade!!
I know you can handle it.
I have seen you do it before.
Wow, you are truly amazing!.....can you do that while riding on a unicycle???
Love Papa

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Threshold of Destiny!

In this moment you stand at the Threshold of Destiny!
You possess the power to change the world!
You are a direct source of creation!
Your mere presence alters this planet!
Step forth with Confidence, Purpose and Love.
Eternity is Ready for YOU!
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Tell the Truth.......says your Mother!
I want the Truth............says your Lover!
Do you swear to tell the whole Truth........says the Judge!
What is the Truth..........Really?
Truth originates in your Beliefs.
Your Beliefs are only thoughts that you keep thinking!
So what is Truth?
Every single thought and action that you have taken in your life has brought you to this point.......right NOW!
YOU are the Truth and nothing but the help you God!
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Passing Notes.

Do you remember passing notes to each other in school?
Although it was frowned upon when you were a child, it was always exciting (and maybe a little dangerous) to send and receive a note.
Passing along a personal note, to its intended recipient, through several other classmates required skill & timing.
One little slip up and the note could be lost to the teacher and your message could go horribly wrong!!
Choosing your words carefully, filled with hidden suggestions and other innuendo was required.
But the thrill of receiving such a message was always worth the effort and the risk.
You felt special and privileged to be the recipient and you felt empowered to be the sender!
Well today’s medium for passing notes has become much easier with email, text, face time, video blogging, Facebook and who knows what is next.
But the excitement of sending and receiving a note remains the same.
We empower ourselves and others when we communicate our thoughts!
Write a note to someone special in your life today!
You have just received mine!!!
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rubik's Cube

When all of this “Life Stuff” was being decided.......
You know, before I was put on this Earth.......
Why did I choose these experiences for me?
Why do I have to go through all of this maze to get what I want?
Why can’t I go straight to the dessert tray and forget about the main course?
Who says that I have to struggle and toil and grind my way through life?
Sometimes it feels like a giant “Rubik”s Cube”......every time I move one thing, something else goes out of alignment!!
I want to be Happy NOW!.....................

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

I could just choose Happiness, couldn’t I.............could YOU?
Let’s two turns to the left, rotate green one comes around and “Voila”...........HAPPINESS!!
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What do you want?

What do you want?
No really, WHAT DO YOU WANT!!?
When I ask you, I don’t want you to tell me........
I want you to focus on what you REALLY want for yourself!
What makes you feel alive? What touches your soul? What taps into your source connection?
Focus on what FEELS right, not just what sounds right to someone else.
I don’t want to hear stories that you think I should hear, I want to SEE what makes your heart sing!
I want to FEEL your connection to source!.......I want to BREATHE your energy!...........I want you to BE what you want!
Dig into yourself............. WHAT DO YOU WANT?
You deserve it................and so do I!
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.