Saturday, May 26, 2012


Love Papa.

From out of the darkness comes the light.
At first just a flicker, which grows into a beam.
The pathway becomes illuminated and your direction is set.
The choice to follow the light becomes secondary as you are naturally drawn towards the path.
You know not where it leads, only that it calls to you.
Like a full moon your light draws the attention of all who view it.
And you become a beacon for those who remain within their darkness.
The light is within your heart!
And you need look no further than the generosity of your own love to find your way to the light.
Illumination comes from within and radiates to all who encounter it.
The glow of love from one can pass to everyone and create flood of illumination that will radiate throughout the Universe.
Seek out your flicker!
Nourish your light!
Become the illumination that the would seeks!
For you are truly connected to all that is.
And the masses are awaiting your light!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Make Today Your Starting Point!

Make Today Your Starting Point!
Love Papa.

Make today your starting point!
The new You begins.
Let the transformation start.
Each moment of “now” creates an opportunity for a new beginning.
Within the awareness of that now lies the seed of greatness!
Your potential never deserts you.
It begins anew with each breath that you take.
The decision to repeat the same patterns over and over is a choice that you make.
If the direction you choose for your life is not in harmony with your desires, then start over!
There is no shame in new beginnings, rather the shame lies in the unwillingness to move forward.
You stand at the threshold of the rest of your life, possessing the opportunity to make any choice that you desire.
The choice you make will never preclude you from making another decision!
So begin with that which you desire most in your life and start down the pathway to your destiny.
Make today your starting point and the Universe will open the door!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Love Papa.

Joy presents itself to you within every moment of your life.
You may see it within an object, a person, a situation or a mirror!
It is always there, standing right in front of you!
Expectantly waiting for you to choose it!
Always smiling and cheerful, ready to play!
Joy will never let you down or turn on you, but will always remain your cheerleader!
Whenever you feel the need you can choose Joy!
For Joy is the spirit that resides in YOU that can never be completely removed.
No matter what situation you may find yourself in there will always be a little Joy.
Allow that Joy into your life and enjoy it!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Love Papa.

Reach out your arms, open them to the world and embrace everything that you can.
Embrace your day!
Embrace your family!
Embrace your work!
But most importantly Embrace your enemies, challenges and your obstacles!
For without them you cannot grow.
We need to Embrace the world, Embrace technology, Embrace mankind!
The evolution of our little planet does not stand still for those who dally!
You must retain your momentum or lose your place in line.
You need not race ahead, unless that is your nature.
And you need not pass by that which you desire.
But languishing in complacency and wallowing in fear are not natural tendencies.
Embracing that which you do not understand is a growth strategy that has created all that surrounds you at this time.
Each thought that became a thing, was born from a willingness to embrace that which could not be seen at the time.
To embrace the unknown is to touch divinity!
Embrace your world and become what you truly are destined for!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.