Saturday, January 8, 2011

Shifting Gears!

When shifting  gears most automobiles allow a momentary pause before the vehicle either accelerates or slows down.
During this pause a transformation takes place.
The entire system stops for a moment to allow the components to realign before reengaging and moving to the next gear. 
The pause allows the vehicle to work properly and to continue on its way.

We also require a pause before shifting gears.
However sometimes the mouth is open or the body is in motion before the pause has occurred!
Have you allowed the components time to realign?
Are you shifting into the right gear?
Are you even pointed in the right direction?
Perhaps a pause will make your journey a bit easier!
Are You as reliable as your car?
Love Papa. 

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Push, Pull & Shove!

You can’t Push a rope!
You can’t Pull a cat!
And you can’t Shove a mountain!
Why are you trying so hard?
“Because I want to be Right!”
I how is that working out for you?
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Give Your Head A Shake!

Your mind is like a magnet.
What you think about you attract to yourself.
When you continually think about unwanted stuff it can gradually build up around you like a shell or a crust.
Then when you finally focus on the good stuff it has to penetrate all that build up.
When you figuratively Give Your Head A Shake you can release all the unwanted stuff and make way for what you really want.
Give Your Head A Shake and start filling yourself up with positive reinforcing information and content that will move you to where you want to go.
Read an inspirational book, listen to motivational tapes, go to the gym, meditate, take a walk with your dog or sign up for a class! Shake up your head and release all those old unwanted thoughts.
Move yourself from where you are to where you want to be.
Go ahead............Give Your Head A Shake! 
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Floating along in my mind recently it struck me that we all live in bubbles!
Our bubble extends to the edge of our comfort zone.
We move around, bump into other peoples bubbles, expand and contract our bubbles.
And sometimes our bubble gets popped!
Most of the time we are obsessed with all the things going on inside our bubbles.
We can see past the edge of our bubble and we can move around and bring new things inside our bubbles but generally most of us like to stay comfortable inside our own little bubble.
You can pack your bubble up and move it around the world with you where you can see many other people living inside their bubbles as well.
Some peoples bubbles are really large and others are quite small.
Some are neat and tidy and others could use a good cleaning.
Some bubbles are lopsided and others are perfectly formed.
Some are dark and cloudy while others are clear and fresh.
Your bubble is your life and bubbles are supposed to be fun.
Are you having fun in your bubble?
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What the Future Brings?

The Future brings what you dream today.
Whatever you visualize and focus upon you draw toward yourself, that is the Law of Attraction.
So predicting the future becomes easy!
What is difficult is knowing what you want and maintaining your focus upon it.
Start small.....focus on something that you desire....a good book to read? a visit with an old friend? a new wardrobe?
As you accomplish more, move on to bigger stuff.
Focus on your perfect work, your perfect mate, your perfect body, home, car, vacations...........your perfect life.
Slowly and steadily you begin to predict your future.
First you have a great day that turns into a great week, a great month, a great year!
Now you are rolling.......maintain your focus, remember what got you this far.
Show extreme gratitude for what you have accomplished and have been blessed with!
Now tell me what you dream today.........I want to see what your future brings!
Thank You.............
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Starting Point!

Acceptance of where you are in your life is your starting point.
You are precisely where you are, whether you like it or not.
All new things begin from here.
You cannot jump forward or go back to some other time to begin your journey.
It starts from here, right now!
Whether you are at the top of a mountain or the bottom of a well in your life, you next step begins your journey.
Take careful consideration of what that step is, and you will find your way home.
If you hesitate and delay your start, you can remain frozen, sometimes for years!
Each step will move you further along your path and makes the next step easier to make.
Begin today to move toward your dreams.
You are lined up at the Starting Point, you are ready to run, the starters pistol is raised high, you can feel the anticipation and excitement!
Your off.........!
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

You’re Never Far Behind!

When you start a new relationship, look over your shoulder, you’re never far behind.
When you begin a new journey, glance back, you’re never far behind.
When a brilliant new plan comes to you, check around, you’re never far behind.
As thoughts are formed from within us, we follow along with our physical selves.
We chase our minds all over the place in a constant game of “tag”.
As new thoughts are formed we immediately launch ourselves in the direction they point us, sometimes without consideration for where we have come from or who is affected by our actions.
We are perpetual motion beings, led by our thoughts.
Standing still is not an option, we are always compelled to move on and keep following our mind!
We dutifully follow along.
Like a faithful dog, “You’re Never Far Behind”
Move along now..................
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.