Saturday, May 11, 2013


Love, Papa.

Shift your attention from the ordinary toward the difference!
See what is missing in the picture!
Look for the sparkle!
In the blandness of daily life we often see all the burden we are carrying,
And pass by the beauty.
In every moment there is a sparkle, a shiny object or a brightness.
Seek that point, find the sparkle.
Allow yourself to be drawn toward the source.
Feel gratitude and you will begin to see the sparkle intensify.
Allow the sparkle to grow and it will become YOU!
In all darkness there is a bright spot.
Focus your attention upon it and see the sparkle return to your whole life!
YOU are the sparkle in the world today.
Shine brightly!
Love, Papa.
Re-post #611

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Friday, May 10, 2013


Love, Papa.

Tread carefully ye of great power!
Who have journeyed through the wasteland, blazing a trail!
For you will be looked upon with desire by many.
Yet scorned by others!
Bringers of light cast beams afar.
But also create shadows.
Use your awareness wisely.
Be patient, gentle and loving.
For those before you seek not your power.
Rather only guidance that might lead them to their own!
The gates to the kingdom are always open.
Allowing each to pass through on their own time!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Love, Papa.

Your presence here does not dictate that you comply!
You were born with free thought flowing through you.
Only through constant programming and suppression by good minded people and societies, have you failed to release your innovation!
Complacency is living death!
Innovation is bliss, manifest!
This “thing” within you is real!
You possess the power to change the world!
Bring forth that which brings you bliss!
For all await the day when your innovation brings them peace!
Complacency breeds resistance!
Where innovation brings hope to humanity!
Leave not your brilliance on the workshop floor.
Rather display it proudly for all to see!
You are but an eye blink from the perfection contained within!
Show your innovation and be exalted!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Love, Papa

I need stuff, I’ve got stuff!
You’ve got stuff, you need stuff!
But when you dump your stuff on me,
And your stuff becomes my stuff,
Then how can I work on my own stuff if I’m constantly being interrupted by your stuff?
If I could just focus on my own stuff
And leave all your stuff to you
Then everybody’s stuff would get looked after...right?
But then there’s their stuff!
Don’t even get me started on their stuff!
I’ll never get to my stuff if I constantly bombarded by everyone else’s stuff.
Why doesn’t everyone just look after their own stuff,
And leave other people stuff alone!
Maybe their stuff is more interesting than my stuff?
Or maybe if I focus on their stuff I can avoid my own stuff for a while?
That’s a lot of stuff to think about!
Stuff It!
I’m going to the beach!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Twisted Irony!

Twisted Irony!
Love, Papa.

You may have the object of your desire
The moment you let go of the wanting!
And you will know that you have done so
When that desire manifests in your life!

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at: