Saturday, January 15, 2011

Beauty Within!

Seek not the shallow surface of life.
Rather search for the Beauty Within all things.
Observe the magnificence of life!
See the depth created to bring about your existence.
Follow the pathway taken to create your world.
Marvel at the intricacy of what you observe.
Behold the amazing puzzle that is created.
Be aware of the connected-ness of all things!
And know that you are not a mere observer.......YOU ARE IT!
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What Inspires You?

You might ask, “What Inspires Me?
Are you inspired by inner vision?
Perhaps something outward?
By People, places, events?
Taste, aroma, the feel of something on your skin?
Words, pictures, the sounds of nature?
Accomplishment, survival, achievement?
The relentless pursuit, The game, Winning?
Success, failure, recovery?
Inspiration is something that belongs to only YOU!
You alone determine what inspires you.
It is intensely personal and may be fiercely guarded, Even from yourself!
However, "What Inspires You, defines You"!
What Inspires You? 
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The silent moment in the space between each breath you take, is your connection to your being!
The exquisite darkness that envelopes you when you close your eyes, is the real You!
The sound of silence in the middle of a forest, is the presence of God!
The whisper of the breeze as it flows across your body, is the touch of the Universe!
You are uniquely connected to All That Is, every moment of your time on this earth.
You are the very presence of Spirit.
You are surrounded with Love!
And You absolutely deserve every moment of that Love!
Embrace Your Surroundings! 
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Follow that Dream!

Follow that Dream!

When something floats by,
And you don’t know why,
But you have to fly,
Follow that Dream!

When you're stuck in your place,
And Life looks you in your face,
Change your space and
Follow that Dream!

When you’re down in the mouth,
And you can’t get out,
But you remember the route,
Follow that Dream!

You did not come here to work, to succeed, to graduate, to procreate, to DO anything!
You came here to Dream!
And to whatever extent you are able to Dream, stretch yourself to that limit..........and then go further!
Follow that Dream!

Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Face the Music!

No, I don’t mean after coming in late when you have been drinking with your buddies!
I mean facing life head on!
Pointed toward what you want in your life!
Face the Music of Life.
Become a creator of your Music.
Dance to the sound of your Music.
Conduct the great symphony of your life.
Fill yourself with the sound of your Music.
Allow your Music to pour out of you every moment of your life.
Explode your Music upon the world.
Really become the Music that is you!
You deserve nothing less!
You are your Music.
So lemme hear you get downnnnn!
“Oh Yeah, that's what I’m talkin bout!”
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Monday, January 10, 2011

"So it Is"

“Is It So?” you ask.
“It Is So!” they respond.
“So It Is” you concede.

Then you say, “It Is So!”
When others ask “Is It So?”
“So It Is” they observe.

“So It Is” you concede.
“So It Is” they observe.
“So It Is” you Believe!

And “So It Is, So It Is, So It Is........!”

Or......”Is It So?”

Ahaaaa..............“So It Is”.

Love Papa.
Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Get a good grip!
Hang on tight!
Don’t slip!
Watch your step!
This world is Spinning faster than you think!
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.