Saturday, March 1, 2014

End of Time

End of Time
Love, Papa.

We came to each other of our own free will
To walk our paths together
Apparently without a care of the twists that were to come.
We forged our way
Through thick and thin
To find the glory
Scarce realizing that we had it all along.
You’ve taught me well
As I’ve taught you.
There’ve been times when struggle overwhelmed
But through each we’ve persevered
And I could not have chosen a better companion.
Always keep wondering what is around the next turn,
As we seek the end of time.
For tis only then the circle completes its turn.
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Whisper and Scream

Whisper and Scream
Love, Papa.

Sometimes when I hear your voice
I sense the ego in you screaming to get out,
While at others I can only feel the whisper
Of your humility.
Although one is louder than the other
Only your silence speaks to my heart.
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Love, Papa.

Peeking out from behind the mask of, I want,
Is the shadowy face of, I am.
Seldom seen by those unknowing
Perhaps even less by those within.
For true desire expressed is rare
Lost amidst the masked marauders
And afraid to face the truth...within
Who am I?
What do I want?
Why am I here?
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

As Storms Roll By

As Storms Roll By
Love, Papa.

Winds blow strong
As storms roll by.
But you were blessed
With a waterproof exterior
And the will to push back.
Lean into it when need be
And seek shelter when wisdom dictates.
For only you shall know
When the storm has passed.
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Love, Papa.

At that moment
When turmoil turns to trust,
Belief emerges from chaos
And faith overtakes fear,
You will become
That which you arrived here seeking.
For sleeping with each of us
Is the power to overcome
The complacency of life.
To remove the barriers,
Surrender our fears,
Rise up from within
And speak our truth.
You are but the voice, the eyes, the ears and spirit
Of that which dwells within
And each moment handcuffed in fear
Delays nothing…
But the inevitable.
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nothing in Between

Nothing in Between
Love, Papa.

You reached within
And touched my heart
With what cannot seen.
Now all of me
Has all of you
With nothing in between.
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.