Saturday, July 27, 2013

Save the World

Save the World!
Love, Papa

It is not your job to Save the World…..
Or for that matter any one in it!
It is only your job to save yourself.
Without saving yourself all the effort you expel to save others can be in vain.
We did not come to this physical experience to fix it.
We came to experience all that life has to offer from our own perspective.
This does not mean that you allow others to suffer unnecessarily but be aware that your interjection into their experience may alter the pathway they came here to walk!
Removing the burden from others and shouldering their load is different than offering guidance and support for those on their own path.
Focus on yourself and become the example to all so that the journey of life can be wonderful and exciting.
If we all Saved ourselves then we would indeed Save the World!
Love, Papa.
Re=post #89

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Friday, July 26, 2013


Love, Papa.

Just as your eyes adjust
When walking from the darkness into the light
So to does the world adjust
As you pass through its presence
Each particle adapts to the feeling that you project
Bringing forth that which your attention is upon.
You are the creator of the scenery in your life.
What you see before you is the manifestation of your dreams.
In each moment you will find beauty, alongside devastation. 
And only through your discernment
Can you tell one from the other.
Love, Papa.

Thursday, July 25, 2013



The pathway to your freedom
Is highlighted with beams of love
Directed at your heart
Simply follow your feelings.
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Within the Balance

Within the Balance
Love, Papa.

Seek the silence within the busy
And action in the quiet
For only within the balance
Lies the peace you so desire!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Love, Papa.

The look on your face
Tells me, that the words coming from your mouth
Resist the feeling in your heart
So forgive me if I state the obvious!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Monday, July 22, 2013


Love, Papa.

There is a moment
Between each breath
When the source of your being
Reaches out and grasps your soul.
You belong to no one but that!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa