Say What?
Love Papa.
Words are reflections of your beliefs.
“I am afraid I might catch a cold”
“There is a bug going around, you know”
“It’s not my problem, they did it to themselves”
Listen to what you say!
If you say those words out loud then the ones inside your head
are at least that strong!
The answers lie close to home!
You are a product of your beliefs.
Fortunately you can change them if you choose.
Do you really believe that we all come from a different
And that each of our respective sources has the ability to
pick and choose who and when to interact with another source?
Or do you believe that we all come from one source?
And that source emanates from within all beings?
And therefore what is occurring to one is occurring to all
at the same time.
Judged only by belief.
Controlled by the choice granted to each of us!
You could not exist were there a punitive God that excluded
your brother and sister!
What you say becomes your guide!
Say What?
Love Papa.
From Papa Book available at: