Saturday, May 4, 2013


Love Papa.

Know when something is over.
Feel the sense of completion.
Allow yourself to be aware when something in your life has been completed.
Often we carry on doing things that we know we have finished but habit causes us to continue.
Listen to your heart for it always knows the truth.
Don’t overstay your visit.
Lingering in a comfort zone often causes us to become complacent, lazy or not effective.
Excite yourself by moving on to whatever life has to offer next.
Move on from that relationship, job or mind set and begin a new chapter.
Lingering may cause us to become stale and frustrated.
Get excited about what`s next!
Challenge yourself to move to the next level.
Become who you came here to be!
You were born to be in motion, lingering slows the process.
Move into the real you.
Love Papa.
Re-post #677

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Friday, May 3, 2013


Love Papa.

You have been gifted with many things during this lifetime.
The greatest of which is your presence.
You are a gift presented to this planet upon your birth.
All that is missing is your awareness.
Each of us is gifted in our own way.
And our purpose is to share that gift.....with ourselves!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Love Papa.

You know where you are going!
You’ve already decided.
And you’ve begun the journey.
When suddenly, before you appears a sign?
It seems contradictory to your plan.
And seems to be taking you in the wrong direction.
But you don’t actually know the exact route,
You just know the destination.
Do you turn at the sign?
Or keep going in the direction you were heading?
What if it’s a shortcut?
Maybe there is something you need to see!
Should you ignore the sign or follow?
The answer is simple!
If you saw the means something!
If you missed for the next one!
You can’t get lost......unless to try!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Black & White!

Black & White!
Love Papa.

As simple as black and white!
All life’s answers lay within this definition.
Everything is defined by “what is” and its equal opposite “what is not”
Are you the dot of positive energy passing through the maze of a negative world?
Or the blip of negative energy floating on a sea of well being?
Either way you exist as, that which is not, passing through what is!
Or that which is, observing what is not!
Confusing but obvious!
The uniqueness of humanity is the awareness of both!
Which leads to the one characteristic that differentiates you from all else...choice!
Of course that really means “no choice”
You are who you are....aren’t you?
It really is as simple as black and white!
Love Papa.

Remax Vernon
Cell: 250-308-2606
Fax: 250-549-7007
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Love Papa.

The opposite of what you know to be true,
Is also true!
The very opinions that you hold, which form the foundation of your life,
Have an equal and directly opposing opinion!
Everything about you, that you believe to be so,
Contains an aspect of its exact opposite!
For without that opposite view,
Your perspective could not exist!
It is from that opposite view that yours was formed.
Be open to the opposite!
For it is only from within that paradox
That you become You!
Standing on one side of the fence, casting stones at the other
And you are likely to be injured by falling rocks!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Monday, April 29, 2013

That Will Do!

That Will Do!
Love Papa.

I want to feel the excitement of a dog going for a walk!
I want to feel the contentment of a cat being petted on your lap!
I want to feel the joy of a bird singing from a perch!
And I want to feel the happiness of a baby’s laugh!
Thanks, that will do.....for today!
Re-post #193

Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at: