Look around you right now!
Are you not amazed by what you see?
The colour of the sky, the beauty of nature (no matter how much or how little)?
The plants, animals, landscapes, cities and towns.
The technology, diversity, the politics and the development.
We are truly blessed to be here NOW.
To be part of this unfolding!
We are at the forefront of History!
You can I say “I was there!”
This is your life!
All that has come before has brought you to NOW!
And you have been chosen to be here when it all happens!
Not only are you an integral part of this process.
YOU are the one leaning over the front of the ship screaming into the wind!
Be amazed by who you are, where you are and why you are here!
For you truly are standing at the threshold of magnificence and you deserve to be at the front of the line!
Love Papa.