Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Share what you know!

Share what you know!
It is easy you already know it.
You already possess important knowledge that others want to hear.
You have had experiences that only you know about that the world should hear about.
Because you control what occurs in your universe, your knowledge and experience are unique to you and are vital to share!
Write it down, tell other people, teach what you know!
You are a born teacher and the information that you share can change the lives of those who receive it!
You don’t need to wait until you are old enough, smart enough, respected enough or until someone asks, You can share it right now!
Write a book! Become a speaker! Blog to the world...........tell a friend.
Share what you know!

Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

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