It requires bravery to face a demon.
It requires bravery to overcome pain.
It requires bravery gain your freedom.
It can also require bravery to get up in the morning, go to work, pay the bills, feed yourself and others, face the day with a smile and to feel good about yourself!
Bravery does not just come from big accomplishments it can also so come from just picking yourself up off the floor some days and carrying on.
We often think that we are weak but fail to recognize the strength that we must exert to face our daily challenges.
Sure, others may conquer huge obstacles, but each of us must face our challenges in our own way.
When you see someone obviously struggling remember the amount of bravery it has taken for them even begin their day.
And when you look in the mirror today applaud the bravery of the person you see!
Love Papa.
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