Saturday, March 16, 2013


Love Papa.

Partially hidden
Peeking out
From behind a mask
The face in the mirror
Reveals much and little
At the same time!
Your mask protects you
Showing what you want the world to see.
But every so often your heart bursts forth
Tearing away the facade.
And there you are!
Naked and vulnerable
Fully revealed
For all to see!
And suddenly it’s all very real!
We present the world the face we think they want to see!
But if I’m not really me and you are not really you.....then who’s talking to whom?
I see you!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Flip Side!

Flip Side!
Love Papa.

Careening through the air
Tumbling over and over
On one side lies your dream
On the other your belief
Keep spinning
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Believe It or Not?

Believe It or Not?
Love Papa.

If you believe it then the opposite belief also exists!
Just as there is no left without right, up without down, back without front!
There can be no beliefs that you hold to be true that do not have an equal but opposite to them.
Therefore what you believe to be true is only one perspective.
In order for you to have your belief, the opposite must be true!
Otherwise it would be impossible for you to have your belief!
As you begin to see this view you realize that without someone having the opposite view, you could not maintain your own!
So be grateful for those who see things different from you, as they are the ones who teach you to expand and grow!
As you learn that your belief is only a perspective that you have adopted as true, you begin to allow choice to be your guide!
Experience your beliefs for what they are....a choice you have made!
Believe it or can choose again!
Choose wisely!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Introduce Love!

Introduce Love!
Love Papa.

Introduce love!
On the phone.
In the car.
At the grocery store.
With co-workers.
To clients, patients & customers.
Family, friends old and new.
Introduce love into everything!
Into each conversation.
Every glance.
Into your smile,
Your thoughts.
Into your money!
Introduce love into everything in your life.
With each breath expand your love.
You are unconsciously connected to all
So as you project your love into your physical reality, you therefore project it to all that is!
What you give out is returned to you exponentially!
Introduce love and receive love!
For love is what you are most worthy of!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Worlds Apart!

Worlds Apart!
Love Papa.

Worlds apart
Yet in my thoughts
I see you in my mind’s eye
Feel you in my heart
You are there, but you are here
Always one!
Always whole!
As if connected!
I cannot touch you
But within my dreams
Your arms surround
And once again
I feel your embrace!
For though you are gone!
You are never gone!
And we are forever one!
I shall never forget!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at: