Saturday, December 18, 2010

So who are you really?

Are you the voices in your head?
Are you the awareness of the voices?
Are you the awareness of the awareness of the voices?

You are part of something much greater than you.
Yet you are here with this physical body and this mental awareness of YOU!
So who are you really?
Somehow peaceful and disturbing at the same time.

“I am aware of the awareness of me!”

But wait a minute.....................then who is the cat!!!!!
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Did you hear that?
No?.........perhaps that’s because you are still talking!!!!
Love Papa

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Feel It!

I want to feel the excitement of a dog going for a walk!
I want to feel the contentment the of a cat being petted on your lap!
I want to feel the joy of a bird singing from a perch!
And I want to feel the happiness of a baby’s laugh!
Thanks, that will do for today.
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Fleeting thoughts of other worlds drifting through your mind,
Offering up glimpses of possible other times.
Whether beauty lives in paradise,
Or flaming dragons fly.......
There will always be a place to dwell in the dreamer's eye.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Well Being.

You can allow Well Being or you can deny it.
Either way it is always there.
Well Being is your right.
You are always entitled to it.
When you allow Well Being to flow through you, you feel good.
When you deny Well Being you feel fear, anger, frustration, disease, pain, suffering.............etc!
Seems like an easy choice!
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Be at Peace!

Be at Peace with all things in your life!
Be at Peace with yourself!
Be at Peace with your Source!
Be at Peace, Be at Peace, Be at Peace!
Love Papa.

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I see it.
Do you see it?
She can see it.
He can’t see it.
They all see it.
No one can see it.
We can all see it.
What is it?
Now I see it!
Love Papa

Thanks for reading Notes From Papa. If you know anyone who would enjoy recieving Notes From Papa as a text or email  please have them forward their email or phone number (for texting) to me and I will add them to the list.