Thursday, March 6, 2014

Standing Still

Standing Still
Love, Papa.

If you’ve moved on by the time the answer arrives,
Will you remember why you asked the question?
Sometimes standing still is the hardest part.
That which is seeking you, is coming.
Make sure you are at the door to greet it.
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Delicate Balance

Delicate Balance
Love, Papa.

Sometimes all the dreaming in the world
Won’t make your life disappear.
And sometimes all the living in the world
Won’t let your dreams come true.
It’s a delicate balance
And your results always bear the weight
Of the choices you make.
Choose wisely,
Choose quickly,
Choose slowly,
Choose again...
But choose!
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

One Knows

One Knows
Love, Papa.

An ear to the ground and...
One hears.
With eyes wide open...
One sees.
Watching tongues wag and...
One surmises.
But in a single tear...
One knows.
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Love Papa.

Within the Labyrinth of your life, know that you are not the first to pass this way!
It has been seen and done before!
You are tracing the footsteps of your ancestors!
And it has all been chronicled in the past!
Because we re-learn what we already know, we repeat what we have already done.
Sometimes over and over!
The labyrinth exists within us but is reflected in what we do.
Some may see this as a burden.
While others see only beauty!
Either way, becomes YOU!
Love Papa.
Re-post 636

Please share Papa with those you love.