Saturday, September 15, 2012

5 Words!

5 Words!
Love Papa.

The key to all the riches in the world is summed up in five simple words.
You may have all that you wish to have by just speaking these words over and over.
All other effort on your part is futile!
These words and these alone will suffice!
Make them your mantra, and all gifts you desire will be returned to you.
They may be spoken aloud or in silence but they must be spoken to receive your gifts!
Humbleness aids in their effectiveness.
So I ask you very simply:
Love Papa.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Love Papa.

As you chart the course of your life
Across great oceans, giant rivers and lakes.
You may encounter rough waters, huge rapids and big waves.
Always remember to paddle on both sides of your boat.
Or you will go in circles!
Balance is everything........
Love Papa.
Re-post #233

Thursday, September 13, 2012

And Then Some!

And Then Some!
Love Papa.

Be Grateful..............and then some!
Listen....................and then some!
Meditate............and then some!
Focus...........and then some!
I know you do it!
I just want you to do more.
Hold it longer.
Repeat it again.
Stretch further.
Keep going.
Everything you do requires effort and persistence.
But everything moves you closer and closer.
Become Aware.............and then some.
Visualize YOU...........and then some.
Create................and then some.
You are amazing, beautiful, wonderful beings!
And Then Some!
Love Papa.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mirror Mirror!

Mirror, Mirror!
Love Papa.

All you see, do, feel and have in your life is a reflection of your thoughts.
Because the Law of Attraction is absolute, you draw toward yourself that which reflects your attraction.
Like a giant mirror what you focus upon materializes before you.
And like a giant moving jigsaw puzzle objects move about in your mirror forming the picture you see.
By changing your thoughts, you can rearrange the puzzle.
Often the same pieces will still be there, perhaps in different locations of the picture.
With focus you can bring things into the forefront of the picture.
Naturally what you are concentrating most on will reflect as the largest object in the puzzle.
Thereby telling you exactly what you are thinking about most.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your entire reflection was a sea of smiling faces cheering you on?
And you were reflecting the same happy face back at them!
I can see it now!!!!!
Love Papa.
Re-post #209

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Love Papa.

Guilty.............By association!
Guilty.............As charged!
What extents do humans go to cover up their guilt?
Guilt is one of the strongest motivators known to us.
What is guilt but the failure to face your own truth.
Admit your downfalls.
Accept your humanness.
You need not be guilty....unless you choose!
How do you plead??
Love Papa.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Your Lips Are Moving!

Your Lips Are Moving!
Love Papa.

Are your words connected to your thoughts?
Do they reflect exactly what you feel?
Or express the actual intent you desired?
I hear the words.
And I see your expression.
Your lips are moving.
But am I hearing YOU!
Just askin.............?
Love Papa.