Saturday, June 2, 2012


Love Papa.

The journey to You may be long and winding.
With many detours and diversions along the way.
Pathways chosen, then abandoned.
Revelations followed by disappointments.
Relationships that matter.
Others that seem unclear.
But know that each step along the road, each dark corner that lay hidden and each bright moment of sunshine, is leading you toward your divinity.
While the path ahead may be invisible, the outcome is never in doubt!
You seek that from which you came!
And the time in between is the great adventure called life.
The irony of awareness is that you are never out of touch.
No matter how far you think you may have strayed.
In the blink of an eye you can connect and all will become apparent!

Love Papa.
  Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Love Papa.

You came from this earth!
You are provided with all the necessities you require to exist as a human being!
Food, water, sunlight, shelter, amusement, stimulation and much more.
You will return to the earth as do all things!
Honour that from which you came!
For it is within the honouring that the cycle becomes complete.
And you become whole!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Go To Your Spot!
Love Papa.

“Just Go To Your Spot and think about things!”
Did you ever have a “time out” spot that you were sent to?
Perhaps a room or location that you had to stay at until you had considered the consequence of an action that you had taken.
A place to calm yourself down, re-evaluate and re-think your position.
When emotions run high and actions are taken without full consideration of the outcome, we can often get distracted from our mission.
Taking time to pause and re-connect often provides us with a new perspective.
We see things from a different point of view.
We have an opportunity to focus our attention and clarify our intentions.
Finding a spot where you can do this is critical!
Having a location where you feel safe, can unwind and re-commit to yourself is necessary.
Find your spot!
Whether in your mind or a physical location, find a safe place where only you can go.
Go there as often as you need, but use the time wisely.
Remember........... “Just Go To Your Spot and think about things!”
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Observe Your Heart!

Observe Your Heart!
Love Papa.

There are those among us to whom we are drawn.
Our attraction may be based on common interest, curiosity or perhaps adoration.
Some are outspoken and obvious and others are quiet and subtle.
But we may find ourselves being directed toward certain people.
Observe the nature of those who attract you.
Choose to listen to your heart.
For the true desire of our attraction must stand the test of our heart.
When you feel true connection, your heart is warm to your choice, and the heart of the other is open.
The frequency of YOU will always be a match to what you attract.
You can observe the actions of YOUR heart in the faces of those that you attract.
Love Papa.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Big Picture!

The Big Picture!
Love Papa.

The view from where you stand may not include the entire picture of what is happening.
When you set your intention in motion by focusing on it you cannot always see the totality of what is shifting to bring your desire to you.
Therefore you must trust your decision and remain focused.
The big picture may take some time to unfold.
What you have been viewing may be a small portion of what is occurring.
And like a giant jigsaw puzzle it will take some time and patience to begin to form into something that you can recognize.
When you stop or lose focus on what your objective was then you reshuffle the pieces of the puzzle!
Each time you reshuffle it takes time for you to create a new vision and draw the Universe into your plan.
Be patient when things appear confusing or when you cannot understand why events unfold as they do.
The Universe has a lot to organize to bring your desires to you, while balancing the desires of other players at the same time.
Know only that what you focus your attention upon is drawn to you, in like form!
Stay the course of your dreams, maintain your focus and be patient.
The big picture will present itself to you.
You are the actual creator of your Universe because what you focus on is created in life form.
Maintain that focus and your big picture will become a wonder before your very eyes.
Love Papa.

 Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Changing Your Mind!

Changing Your Mind!
Love Papa.

You are preceded in your physical realm by your spirit!
And your spirit is directed by your desires, which are expressed through your thoughts.
Therefore what you desire flows toward you at a pace equivalent to your focus.
The more you focus your attention on something the more it seeks to find you.
Remember what you are searching for is also searching to locate you.
You need only remain focused!
All other effort on your part becomes miniscule by comparison to the power of the law of attraction.
However, awareness of how you feel relative to what you desire also indicates what the law of attraction is doing.
When you focus on something you think you desire, but as it draws closer it feels wrong, may be an indication that it is not be right for you at this time.
Listen to your awareness and recognize your power to control the law of attraction.
Changing your mind is not a reversal of your decision as much as it is an awareness of what you are drawing toward you.
Knowing what you do want often comes from the awareness of what you do not want.
Mistakes create solutions!
Finding what you truly desire is often hidden within that which you have desired and abandoned or rejected!
Making changes allows for more clarity and therefore attracts what you truly desire to you.
You control the power to shift universes at your will.
By your very presence on this planet YOU create change that affects all.
Changing your mind, changes everything!
Love Papa.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Make Believe!
Love Papa.

Life is a grand illusion!
You can “Make Believe” that you can be, do or have anything you desire!
Make Believe you are worthy!
Make Believe you are happy!
Make Believe you are healthy!
Make Believe you are wealthy!
By all measurement you are all of these things and more, you need only make yourself believe them.
Look to those who have much less than you and see the bounty that is yours!
Then look to those who might have much more than you and see your potential!
Greatness dwells within your heart..............Make Believe it is yours right now!
Love Papa.
Re-post #200

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.