Saturday, May 19, 2012

Notes From Papa has moved!

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.


Allow your feet to touch the ground and be grateful!
Allow your lungs to fill with air and be grateful!
Allow your eyes to see the world outside and be grateful!
Allow your neighbours to live in peace and be grateful!
Allow your children to live their own lives and be grateful!
Allow yourself to be who you really are and be grateful!
Allow the world to become your adventure and allow others to enjoy theirs!
And you will become grateful for all that surrounds and contains you!
For you are the greatest allowance that can be!
You are allowed to be here, on this amazing journey, sharing space with all that you are.
And you deserve every bit of it!
Allow yourself to BE!
Love Papa.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ego's Quest

Ego's Quest
Love Papa.

“Watch Out!, Stay Back!, Keep Away!”
The primary function of your ego is to protect you.........from yourself.
It knows every button in you and it knows which one needs to be pushed at just the right time to get you to:
Run and hide.
Put up a brave front.
Say something witty and cute.
Be rude and offensive.
Or to punch someone in the nose!
The ego resides in your mind, where it wages a constant war with your spirit, that resides in your heart!
For some this battle is raging and for others a cease fire may temporarily hold them at bay!
Ego often views the heart as passionate and foolish, where the hearts views ego as domineering and impulsive.
Each has its place and purpose.
Each has the best interest of YOU at its core.
Ego’s quest is to organize the journey and make sure you follow its lead.
It functions as tour guide, policeman, instigator and nurse all at the same time.
Observing your ego is an interesting thing to do.
Listen to what you say!
Watch what you do!
The ego’s quest is never ending and it can make for some interesting viewing!
Consider “Reality TV?”
Love Papa.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Touch of Love!

A Touch of Love!
Love Papa.

Direct touch with another living being is one of the most powerful occurrences in our experience!
Touching someone else transfers energy directly between the two parties.
Whether petting an animal, touching a flower or holding the hand of a child,
A touch of love means everything.
When you touch someone you project your love and you receive theirs.
How about shaking the hand of a colleague or patting someone on the back.
What about a glancing touch when you are passing something to another or a gentle brush as you pass someone on a busy street?
We touch others frequently but often remain unaware of the effect this contact has on us and them.
Touch with intention!
It means something, so direct your meaning with your touch!
You touch me every day with your very presence and I feel truly blessed!
Thank you!

Love Papa.
Re-post #283

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Live It!

Live It!
Love Papa.

You want it!
You know that you do.
But you can create any number of excuses as to why you cannot have it.
You are too young, too old, too this, too that!
Can’t afford to, don’t know where to begin.
My family won’t let me.
But still it persists!
You want it so bad!
And it just won’t go away.
No one said that living your life’s dream would be easy.
Sacrifices may be required, choices will have to be made.
But if you really want it you will be left with no alternative.
You will have to “live it!”
There can be no other way!
The pain, the frustration, the anguish will all be worth it.
When you are truly living your dream.
You did not come to this existence for the purpose of conformity.
You came here for the adventure!
To truly live your dream is fulfilling that purpose!
Live It! Love It! and become your greatest dream!
There is no higher ground!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa has Moved!

Notes From Papa is now published daily at
Please create a free account at that site to receive a copy of the daily message and a free e-book for signing up.
The daily messages will continue to appear on this site until May 31, 2012 after which they will only appear on

Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.

Shine Brightly

Shine Brightly
Love Papa.

Bring forth the light from within you and shine it upon all you encounter.
For your light is the light of creation, compassion and consideration.
You possess within you the connection to all that is.
And from this place of knowing you can, will and do change the world!
Your light shines upon the world with the intensity with which you reflect it!
Open up the shutters of your mind, swing open the window coverings and shine your light so brightly that all can see!
Contained within you is the future, the undiscovered, the dreams of humanity!
You and only You, by virtue of your very presence, create that which now IS!
And it is from this place of awareness that all creation emanates.
You are the source incarnate!
All materialism originates from within you and you attract to yourself exactly what you envision!
So Shine Brightly your light upon the world!
And all will be drawn!
Love Papa.