Saturday, February 16, 2013


Love Papa.

A hand extended.
With a friendly smile.
Gentle words spoken.
And a heart is lifted!
There is always love.....
To be given and received!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Friday, February 15, 2013


Love Papa

Our lives are criss-crossed with intersections.
We cross paths constantly with other people places and events that shape who we are.
Each intersection provides us with new opportunities to grow and change.
And each one provides us with more context with which to view our lives.
Are you racing through intersections?
Are you waiting for the light to change?
Are you afraid to enter an intersection?
Did you stall in the middle of an intersection?
Are you cutting anyone else off in the intersection?
Are you trying to back out of an intersection your are in?
Are you careening off others as you pass through intersections?
Are you being courteous to others in the intersection?
Do you think you might have made a wrong turn at one (or more) of your intersections?
As you pass through the intersections in your life be aware of the direction your journey takes but also keep your focus on the destination that you have chosen.
Remember that you cannot back up through all the intersections that you have passed through, you can only move forward from right here! right now!
Will the next intersection change your life...............Absolutely!
Enjoy every moment of it.
Beep! Beep! the way you left your signal indicator on!
Love Papa
Re-post #152

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Love Papa.

Like a shadow’s flash in the corner of your eye!
Or a quiet whisper in your ear.
It’s there!
Always lurking!
In that slightly creepy yet somewhat comforting way, your past never completely leaves you.
Moments of respite may be large or small but the burden remains firmly attached.
Though life can be blissful, it is not always easy.
But when the weight causes your back to hunch and your knees to buckle.
Focus, focus, focus.
See the bliss in now.
Feel the love in this moment.
You are not alone.
Each must carry their own.
Yet all may share in the glory.
Love Papa.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Love Papa.

I am grateful that this day has dawned.
Upon which I will base the rest of my life.
For today is the beginning of the future, that will become my yesterday, once I have completed experiencing it as now.
From this day forward my life will become whatever I envision from each moment of now.
So I begin this day with gratitude
Because that is the foundation of everything.
Gratitude for what has been.
Gratitude for what is before me right now.
And gratitude for the choices I will make next.
Without gratitude the day would still dawn.
And I would still make choices that would influence the rest of my life.
But gratitude makes them all seem worthwhile.
I am eternally grateful for the words that appear on my screen each day when I sit down to write.
And I am ever so grateful for those of you who take a brief moment from your busy lives to read them.
Thank you!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Love Papa.

Another day
Another dollar
Another time
Another place
Another sunrise
Another sunset
Another birth
Another death
Another past
Another future
Another me
Another you
Another NOW
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at: