Saturday, September 21, 2013


Love, Papa.

Of course the world will continue to happen to you
Until you decide its time that you happened to the world.
Random occurs in a void.
Awareness is realizing the pattern is not random rather intended.
Therefore intention removes the void!
Intend and you shall become.
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Friday, September 20, 2013

Silent Scream

Silent Scream
Love, Papa.

Sometimes words are not enough!
It is the look in their eye.
The cut of their clothes.
Or perhaps the style of their hair.
Expression of who you really are is never far from the surface.
But sometimes that surface is ornately decorated with a beautiful mask or an elaborate costume.
What is seen in the mirror and what is presented to the world may have startling differences.
But when our eyes are closed the true beauty appears.
The magnificence of the true spirit materializes and magic happens!
Listen to those who appear different from you.
See the beauty in all beings.
Resist the urge to judge!
For what is hidden beneath the surface reveals the truth more readily than the silent scream of appearance.
Love, Papa.
Re-post #653

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rub Your Eyes

Rub Your Eyes
Love, Papa.

Never far away
Lurking within reach
Obscured by the smoke
From the smouldering wreckage
Left behind
By your most recent thoughts and actions
Is the answer you’ve been seeking
Rub your eyes
And take a closer look!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Love, Papa.

Like a statue
Frozen in time
Attempting to out think your own life.
Waiting for something to change.
Believing that there must be a reason
Before you can move forward!
But the reason cannot materialize as long as the standoff continues.
You have to make the first move.
For the answer only comes in reaction to steps you take.
The Universe does not act upon you...only to you!
And the standoff ends when you make the first move!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Love Papa.

As you chart the course of your life.
Cross great oceans, travel giant rivers and calm lakes.
You may encounter rough waters, huge rapids and big waves.
So remember to paddle on both sides of your boat.
Or you will go in circles!
Balance is everything.
Love Papa.
Re-post #233

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Monday, September 16, 2013


Love, Papa.

That moment in time when you realize that everything is about to change.
When you feel both anticipation and apprehension.
Knowing that tomorrow will not look like today.
And yesterday will appear to be a lifetime ago.
You are constantly on the verge.
And there is nothing you can do about it
Except “be it!”

Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa