Saturday, May 25, 2013


Love, Papa.

It is great to have all your little ducks lined up.
And everything flows much better when they are all in the correct order.
Knowing who can help is great.
Knowing what you’re doing is good.
Knowing where to begin is beneficial.
Knowing when to start helps.
Knowing why you’re doing it, makes sense.
Knowing how to do it seems logical.
However, what if none of this was your responsibility?
And all your organizing and planning was just messing up the real order created by the universe!
Imagine a bumble bee trying to follow an organized schedule created by a human!
What appears to be chaos...
May be the path you are seeking!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Friday, May 24, 2013

And Begin...

And Begin...
Love, Papa.

For so long you have thought
Dreamed, schemed and planned
Round and round in your head
Rearranging, redesigning, re-thinking
The blueprint is drawn
The plan is complete
The Universe has your back
Your time to shine is here
The only thing left to do is....begin!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Love, Papa.

Imbedded within the tapestry of life is a rhythm.
It courses its way through the entire universe.
Connecting each molecule through its awareness of itself.
You are connected to this rhythm through the beat of your heart, through the intake of your breath and through your motion through time and space.
Like the strum of a chord your body resonates with the constant flow of the rhythm.
Your awareness of it is not necessary but your denial of it is impossible.
Contained within the rhythm is the source of your existence, the reason why you are here and the answers to all questions.
Choosing to align yourself with the rhythm allows you to flow easily with life, while denying it is akin to swimming upstream in a raging river.
Those who flow with the rhythm find peace and tranquility, but those who choose to stay out of rhythm may suffer.
Complete alignment is available to all but only few achieve that state.
But the journey is exciting and the adventures are wonderful.
Moments of alignment are manifest with complete bliss.
You will always know when you are in harmony with the rhythm of your life, for the direction you must take will be clear and all obstacles will be removed.
Flow with the rhythm.
Love, Papa.
Re-post #667

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Love, Papa.

When the Universe answers your question with a question.
It is liken to dancing with God!
Remember who is leading
And watch you don’t step on each other’s toes!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Love, Papa.

On the quest for life there is but one objective that counts.
Measured by all standards yet balanced by none.
You are always capable of achieving happiness
Yet it must be chosen to be experienced.
We do not find it, rather we become it!
You are born happy and you will die happy,
But times in between are only choices!
You are the only creature on this earth that can choose happiness.
Beyond all other choices...choose to be happy!
For it is your birthright!
Your true expression of freedom!
Who you really are!
What makes you happy today?
Be that!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at: