Saturday, July 6, 2013


Love Papa.

Amidst the chaos and confusion.
And the frustration and the agony.
Lies the answer you are seeking.
And the beauty within.
Keep looking and IT will find YOU!
Love Papa.
Re-post #503

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Friday, July 5, 2013


Love, Papa.

Filled with delicious choices and wonderful aromas,
The buffet of life presents itself to you constantly.
Brimming with colour and flavour, each morsel is filled with delight!
You can pick away at the scraps around the edges,
Or you can dive right into the good stuff
For within each morsel exists the passion of life!
As you inhale the passion is consumed!
And as you exhale your passion is shared!
You can take a little or you can take a lot.
Either way the buffet is always open!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wrong Cure?

Wrong Cure?
Love, Papa.

The wrong diagnosis can sometimes lead to the wrong cure!
What is wrong with you is far less important than what is right with you!
We live in a world of abundance and well being.
Attempting to “fix” something can sometimes cause further damage.
And thereby lead us into a spiral of more pain and suffering!
When you see your body and mind as vital and thriving,
You allow nature to reverse any damage.
Listen to the words you tell your body?
Are they words of well being or words of suffering?
Perhaps you’ve chosen the wrong cure?
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Love, Papa.

Sometimes gratitude floats along the surface
And is easy to spot.
Other times it is like digging through mud to find the sparkle.
But never doubt that it is there!
Because the moment you find it.
You’ll recognize why you were searching!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa
Notes From Papa Book available at:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

In or Out?

In or Out?
Love Papa.

Like a cat standing at an open door on a chilly day,
Are you in or out?
Indecision delays the inevitable,
Prolongs the pain,
And creates unwanted stress.
Deciding to do something doesn’t mean you cannot change your mind later.
But just make up your mind!
And when your mind is confused,
As is often can be!
Let your heart decide!
Just do... Something!
Remember indecision is the major cause of road kill!
Are you IN or OUT?
Love Papa.
Re-post #486