Friday, November 23, 2012

Sacred Path!

Sacred Path!
Love, Papa.

When you embarked upon your journey
You had no idea it would take you here
In your wildest dreams this was not a choice
But here you are in all your splendor
You made it this far
And there is plenty to go
Choose again and keep going
There is no telling where you will end up
You walk a sacred path
Filled with innumerable twists and turns
Dark shadows and glorious rays of sunshine
But each step is yours to relish
Seek Peace
Be grateful
Love deeply
For you walk a sacred path
From which you cannot stray
Leading you back to the source
From which all love emanates!
Love, Papa.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Faint of Heart!

Faint of Heart!
Love Papa.

A life, once chosen
A path, once taken
A fork in the road
A turn for the worse
A leap of faith
You have made the choices that have lead to you to now!
You can’t go back.
There is no retracing your steps.
The next move is yours.
The world is waiting.
What is your decision?
There is no urgency
But time doesn’t wait!
You may pause
But you must choose!
Life is not for the faint of heart!
Love Papa.

Buy my book at:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank You!

Thank You!
Love Papa.

Simple words
Spoken true
Soft and kind
That mean so much
Gratitude is easy
But seldom expressed
When words mean so little
And actions abound
Put your words into motion
And say with a smile
Thank You!
Love, Papa.

Notes From Papa Book now available at 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Your Show!

Your Show!
Love Papa.

The magnificence that is manifest in your life, is created effortlessly!
It is displayed before you in a never ending, always changing, extravagant display of the power you control.
You are the observer and you are also the observed!
Each moment is waiting for your direction!
Poised in perfect harmony!
Ready to jump into action at your will!
To recreate the scene, once more, into that which you desire!
This is your show!
You make all the decisions!
You determine the outcome!
You create your destiny!
I can’t wait to see what’s next!
WOW me!
Love, Papa.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Need to Know!

Need to Know!
Love Papa

Everything in life is on a need to know basis!
You need to know you are loved!
You need to know you are beautiful!
You need to know you are heard!
You need to know you are worthy!
You need to know you are amazing!
And you need to know you are YOU!
That’s really all you need to know!
Love Papa.