Saturday, January 19, 2013

Nothing But!

Nothing But!
Love, Papa.

Ever present.
All encompassing.
Eternally overriding.
Contained within you is the source of all that is!
You possess the entire power of the universe!
It is not yours to share!
For it belongs to each and to all!
It is only yours to experience.
And within that experience your reality dwells.
You may alter your course at will,
Experience all that your imagination can contain.
And deny anything you choose.
For in the end it remains, nothing but your experience!
Choose as you will!
Feel your way through life!
Become one with your source!
Indeed you can be nothing but!
Love, Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.
Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Friday, January 18, 2013


Love Papa

When you see their face, watch!
When you hear the sound, watch!
When you read the words, watch!
Watch yourself!
Be aware of YOU, when the stimulus is triggered.
What do you think, feel, say and do when something or someone else says or does something?
The point is not to focus exclusively on the action of another, rather to observe your own reaction.
Why do you do the things you do?
Why do believe what you believe?
Where did those beliefs come from?
Have they always been there?
Do you want to change them?
Watch! You are really quite amusing!
I know, I am!
Love Papa.

Please share Papa with those you love.
Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tell Someone You Love Them!

Turn the Table!
Love Papa.

The answer is always near.
Indeed never out of reach!
For it seeks you with the same intensity that you seek it!
You were born knowing the truth.
And it has never left your side.
Your exploration of “reality” is but an amusing distraction.
And your dance with destiny is always close at hand!
Turn the table and look at what surrounds!
You are not in it, rather it is within YOU!
Seeking only for you to find the peace you desire!
Love Papa.

re-post #138

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Turn the Table!

Turn the Table!
Love Papa.

The answer is always near.
Indeed never out of reach!
For it seeks you with the same intensity that you seek it!
You were born knowing the truth.
And it has never left your side.
Your exploration of “reality” is but an amusing distraction.
And your dance with destiny is always close at hand!
Turn the table and look at what surrounds!
You are not in it, rather it is within YOU!
Seeking only for you to find the peace you desire!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa Book available at:

Monday, January 14, 2013


Love Papa.

Day after day.
Staring at the horizon.
Watching for your ship to come in.
All the while overlooking.
The diamonds scattered at your feet.
Love Papa.
Notes From Papa

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I Believe!

I Believe!
Love Papa.

If the effort that goes into broadcasting what is wrong with the world went into showing you what is right, would you believe that too?
If your diagnosis outlined all the parts of your body that were working correctly, rather than the parts that weren’t, would you believe the good parts could repair the damaged ones?
If the focus on the number of people who were thriving in the world was identified, would the ones that were not believe they could thrive as well?
When we see the good in life and recognize the blessings that we receive each day, that energy grows!
By shifting the focus of our attention just slightly, can we shift the entire planet?
Did you ever not believe in automobiles, television, cell phones or the internet?
Someone had a dream!
They focused....and the dream grew!
Others joined in!
And then more and more and more!
Soon everyone believed!
Choose carefully how you see the world!
The choice of what you believe is yours alone!
As for me.............I believe!
Love Papa.

Notes From Papa