Saturday, August 24, 2013


Love, Papa.

While jumping from me to me
In each relationship in my life
I become aware that
I am, who I am.
But more importantly
I become aware that
I am, that I am
Which allows me to see you
For who you really are!
And you.....are simply amazing!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Friday, August 23, 2013


Love, Papa.

Released from within
When uttered aloud
Each word a reminder
Of thoughts passing by
Like a recording of your soul
Every word spoken
Contains a spark of the truth
So never believe
They were meaningless.
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Head On

Head On
Love, Papa.

Slightly leaning forward
Head bowed
Hands clasped in Namaste
Feet firmly grounded
Eyes on your opponent
Alert but relaxed
Expressing gratitude
Showing humility
Feeling all your power
Today is the day you face your life....
Head on!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gung Ho!

Gung Ho!
Love, Papa.

Fist raised in triumph
Rallying cry screamed from afar
War paint all over your face
That point where you know that you know that you know!
This is not some little game that we are playing
This is your life!
And the view from the sidelines really sucks!
Gung Ho, brothers and sisters, Gung Ho!
Love, Papa.

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Be Gentle

Be Gentle
Love, Papa.

The power of silence, focused within, breeds strength untold.
And the forces at play exceed all others in the Universe.
You harbour the power of all that is and the gate key is your voice.
Because your words ring true, when you speak your mind
And contained within each one is the voice of god.
As they escape you, worlds are born.
So be gentle, for not everyone is ready when you are!
Love, Papa .

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa

Monday, August 19, 2013

Eye to Eye

Eye to Eye
Love Papa.

Into the eye of another, you gaze!
Seeking the honest truth.
Wondering just for a moment
Of the bond that ties you.
Searching for confirmation
Offering complete disclosure
The significance of the bond is eternal
You meet as two and leave as one.
Like a portal into the cosmos
Clarity is revealed.
All That Is, can be contained within that simple concentrated look.
There is no more.
There is no less.
We are one!
Love, Papa.
Re-post #830

Jim McKillop
Notes From Papa