The bus ride of your life began the moment you were born.
And once you got on the bus you have to ride it to the finish.
The road may wander, the brakes may fail, hills may be steep and the fare may be high.
But the view can be amazing and the journey will be worth it.
Others may come and go, some even catching a ride.
You may break down occasionally or perhaps get pulled out of the ditch from time to time.
You’ll make wrong turns, get lost, back up and go again.
But your journey will continue until you decide to stop.
There is no correct path, finish line, prize for winning or statue with your name on it.
Sometimes you will see great distances in the future and the past.
But your greatest reward is always the awareness of now!
You may paint your bus with exotic colours, adorn it with bobbles and ribbons.
It may be loud or it may be silent, it may be big or it may be tiny but the journey will always be the goal.
Take time to look out the windows, take good care of your bus, be courteous to others but GO when it is your turn.
There are billions of trips on billions of buses, but always there is only this journey that is yours.
Enjoy every moment.
Love Papa.