Friday, May 18, 2012

Ego's Quest

Ego's Quest
Love Papa.

“Watch Out!, Stay Back!, Keep Away!”
The primary function of your ego is to protect you.........from yourself.
It knows every button in you and it knows which one needs to be pushed at just the right time to get you to:
Run and hide.
Put up a brave front.
Say something witty and cute.
Be rude and offensive.
Or to punch someone in the nose!
The ego resides in your mind, where it wages a constant war with your spirit, that resides in your heart!
For some this battle is raging and for others a cease fire may temporarily hold them at bay!
Ego often views the heart as passionate and foolish, where the hearts views ego as domineering and impulsive.
Each has its place and purpose.
Each has the best interest of YOU at its core.
Ego’s quest is to organize the journey and make sure you follow its lead.
It functions as tour guide, policeman, instigator and nurse all at the same time.
Observing your ego is an interesting thing to do.
Listen to what you say!
Watch what you do!
The ego’s quest is never ending and it can make for some interesting viewing!
Consider “Reality TV?”
Love Papa.

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