Wednesday, June 20, 2012

That's Not It!

That’s Not It!
Love Papa.

That’s not it!
Nope, that’s not it either!
What about........nah!
We often attempt to think away our problems!
Seeking the answer that will solve all of our riddles.
The magic ingredient, answer to our prayers!
But the answer does not lie in thought!
Rather is exists in feeling!
What makes you feel good?
That is your entry point into the realm.
From then you need only continue to seek more of what feels good to you right now.
When you feel good you attract other good feelings to is the law!
Looking with your eyes and your mind is a wonderful experience but it will not lead you to the ultimate answer that you desire.
You can only feel your way to paradise, no matter how beautiful it looks to your eyes.
To experience all the beauty and wonder of the Universe, while standing in the depths of hell, is the utopia sought by all spirit!
You exist on the threshold of perfection and you need only allow it for your reality to change forever!
Love Papa.

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Thanks so much to anyone who follows along!
Love Papa.            

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