Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We arrive on this plane with the awareness that we are connected to source.
In fact we are unaware that we can be disconnected from our source.
Once we arrive, those who have come before us begin the process of sharing their beliefs with us.
Those beliefs and others that follow create our experience, which forms our perspective about  life.
Before too long we lose sight of the fact that we were ever connected to our source and begin to live the dream we are taught.
But along the way questions arise and we wonder about the beliefs we have developed.
Eventually we seek a pathway back to our source.
We desire the simplicity of the innocence we began with.
Know that the innocence has never left you.
Contained within you is the absolute source of the universe, that pivotal point from which all is created.
Awakening to your innocence is always a choice.
Begin to see the world through the eyes of a child!
Marvel at the beauty of where you live.
Be amazed by what you have created.
You truly are a child of the Universe.
And your innocence is always present!
It is not a detriment, rather it is the objective!
Become innocent!
Love Papa.

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