Sunday, January 15, 2012

While You are Here!

You enter this realm with nothing and you will eventually leave with nothing.
What you accumulate in between those two events therefore only has meaning to you, while you are here.
If you accumulate material objects then they should be ones that please you, while you are here.
If you accumulate relationships then they should be ones that have meaning to you, while you are here.
If you attract illness and suffering then it only has meaning, while you are here.
If you are greedy, angry, fearful and dispassionate, while you are here, then you might want to take another run at it.
If you fill your life with LOVE, while you are here, you will face what life has to offer with ease and grace.
You will enjoy your time and become a beacon to others both in this physical realm and beyond.
You are being observed, but not judged.
Therefore the score card only matters to you.......WHILE YOU ARE HERE!

Love Papa
Re-post #120

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