Floating along in my mind recently it struck me that we all live in bubbles!
Our bubble extends to the edge of our comfort zone.
We move around, bump into other peoples bubbles, expand and contract our bubbles.
And sometimes our bubble gets popped!
Most of the time we are obsessed with all the things going on inside our bubbles.
We can see past the edge of our bubble and we can move around and bring new things inside our bubbles but generally most of us like to stay comfortable inside our own little bubble.
You can pack your bubble up and move it around the world with you where you can see many other people living inside their bubbles as well.
Some peoples bubbles are really large and others are quite small.
Some are neat and tidy and others could use a good cleaning.
Some bubbles are lopsided and others are perfectly formed.
Some are dark and cloudy while others are clear and fresh.
Your bubble is your life and bubbles are supposed to be fun.
Are you having fun in your bubble?
Love Papa.
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