Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Our greatest lessons are always found in the things that irritate or bother us the most in our lives. This could be people places or events.
What is bothering you? Look at it closely and see if you can find the lesson.

Because there are no coincidences in this life, the Universe puts before us the things that we focus on. These things show us a reflection of who we are and what we think.

Therefore what you see before you, that troubles you the most in someone or something else, contains the lesson that YOU need to address in your own life.  
If someone cuts you off in traffic and it bothers you……..look at your own driving!
If someone continually complains to you about their relationships and you feel yourself drawn to their problem…………….listen to what you are saying about your relationships!
If someone complains to you about too little money in their life, and you agree with them…………..how much money are you allowing into your life?

Love Papa.

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