Wednesday, January 19, 2011


What will be the Outcome?
Outcomes are important!......... or are they?
You don’t know what the outcome will be until it happens!
If you knew the outcome before you began you might miss the journey!
Sometimes we presume to know the outcome and therefore discount the path to it, only to find out that the outcome was different than we expected!
Only 2 outcomes are absolute: You arrived here on this planet and You will leave this planet!
Everything else is variable, repeatable, undoable, changeable, flexible, forgettable OR Acceptable .
While you may not be able to choose the outcome in every situation, you can choose how you feel about everything! 
You can accept the outcome or you can fight it.
You can believe the outcome or you can deny it.
You can see the outcome or you can close your eyes.
The Choice is yours...............after all it is your outcome!
Remember....... YOU ARE THE OUTCOME of what you think!!
Love Papa.

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