Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Love Papa.

Just because I do it different than everyone else does not mean I don’t know what I am doing!
There is often a presumption that the obvious way of doing things is the only way.
Marketing, promotion, advertising and habit would sometimes have us believe that acceptable ways or patterns are the only way to achieve success.
But creativity is born from all sources!
Even apparent inattention, laziness or complacency can spawn new methods.
Don’t discount the vision of those, who are among us, that see life from a grander perspective or a different plateau.
Observing the ways of others can tell us much about what not to do!
Assuming that the common acceptable method is the only way, can mire and confuse entire societies and hold back creativity for generations in some cases.
It is perfectly acceptable to question the means of those who would follow the norm.
But it is equally acceptable to challenge the norm and seek new pathways or abandon those that do not serve you.
Just because I do it different than everyone else does not mean I don’t know what I am doing!
Love Papa.

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