Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Floating through the soup of humanity.
Passing by, but not quite touching.
Drifting like pieces of wood at the shoreline.
We are always within something.
Our very presence affects everything else.
As we move through our existence we change everything that we encounter.
Some to a greater degree than others, but nothing is excluded.
You affect everything!
Therefore choice is critical.
What you choose determines your direction through the soup!
As you choose with intent whatever and whoever you encounter respond in kind.
Choose aggressive or forceful movement and guess what you receive?
Choose kindness and cooperation and you will receive it back ten fold.
Love elevates your vibration and all things flow into alignment on your path.
Your progress becomes one of peace and tranquility even in a busy world!
Your mother always said soup was good for enjoy!
Love Papa.

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