Sunday, May 29, 2011


Evolution is the gradual transition into what you believe to be true.
Our bodies don’t suddenly become old and frail, they evolve slowly, because that is what we believe!
We don’t instantly develop diseases within ourselves, they evolve over time!
You don’t immediately understand complex theories or complicated equations, because we believe that takes time to learn.
Although we are pure spiritual beings, we are living in a physical realm and therefore require evolution to visualize change.
Otherwise we would only experience NOW and we would not recognize change.
Observing your evolution is like watching a constant series of miracles unfold.
Whatever you think, becomes the direction that you will evolve into!
You evolve into whatever you believe to be true!
Therefore you may allow your evolution to follow any path that you choose.
You were not born with the body you have now, it evolved over your lifetime.
You did not have the same beliefs last year as you do now, they have evolved.
And you will continue to evolve into a new and different YOU every moment that you remain on this earth.
What will be your Evolution?
The choice belongs only to you!
Love Papa. 

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