Saturday, April 16, 2011

Turn Towards It!

If you find something that you feel is wrong or unjust in the world, don’t focus your attention upon what is wrong, rather turn your energy towards a solution!
You cannot “Fight” anything and solve it!
You can only bring about the positive change for that which you desire by redirecting your focus away from what you do not want and onto what you do want.
Turn towards it!
If you want to see change in government, health care, unrest, oppression, drugs, education and other things that you see as broken, then focus on the solutions and not on the “broken ness” of the issue!
Drawing attention to the problem initially seems to work because more people recognize the issue, but as the negative attention increases so does the problem!
The Law of Attraction is absolute and what you focus on you draw toward yourself in greater and greater amounts. 
Focus on Peace and Love and Joy!
See the world as a beautiful paradise filled with love and happiness!
See governments cooperating and solving problems, see people becoming increasingly more healthy as they interact with the those who provide health care, see people undertaking peaceful positive solutions to problems in their lives.
It sounds utopian to consider this at first, however the proven power of LOVE has succeeded in every situation throughout eternity!
Never underestimate the power of the heart.
The destiny of all humanity lives within each of us!
YOU have the power to change the world, use it wisely!
Love Papa.

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